Ageless Energy

Health Coach, Wellness Author, and Motivational Speaker Michael Tamez, experienced a 15-year health transformation. On his incredible adventure, Michael lost 105 pounds, lowered his blood pressure, and reversed sleep apnea and advanced gum disease. This was all accomplished naturally, without drugs or surgery. Michael’s journey was intensified when he lost 5 family members in the course of 18 months. All of these experiences combined led Michael to discover his true passion in life. Michael's mission is to inspire a permanent shift in the way people eat, think, feel, live and love.


Show Notes:

  • Whole body health
  • Meditation and its benefits
  • Yoga and its anti-aging, fountain of youth effects
  • The importance of balance - it's okay to have pizza and beer sometimes
  • Stop dieting and start living!

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm MST

With Thanksgiving coming up I thought I'd offer some Thanksgiving Holiday Nutrition Tips which can be used during any holiday season. 

This is a difficult time of year for many with so many temptations right in our face, which lasts all day for some. Then the next day with treats, desserts and leftovers.

It's important to understand we're developing habits right now, many in which that are unhealthy. So when it come to make lifestyle changes we find results come that much harder because of the habits we're developing right now.

Show Notes:

- Eat before you go

- Bring something healthy to eat

- Avoid deep fried appetizers 

- Know that you don't 'have' to drink just because everyone else is

- Fill your plate with veggies first or fill your first plate full of veggies then go back for more

- Avoid the all day marathon of overindulging. If possible stay for one meal.

- Plan a meal for when you got home

This Show is brought to you by Puradyme, a company that is truly interested in improving your health!

Thanks you so much for your interest in this show of Exploring Mind and Bodyif you haven't done so already please take a moment and leave a quick rating and review of the show in iTunes by clicking below. It will keep us delivering valuable content each week and give others an opportunity to find the show as well.

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Direct download: Thanksgiving_Nutrition_Tips_-_2016-11-23_1.31_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MST

I thought I'd try a different format on the show this week. We have so much great content and so many incredible guests I thought we'd reach back and pull out a couple fantastic interviews on Stress to help you understand how to reduce stress in different ways.

I brought back Dr. Ciaramicoli author of The Stress Solution to share some of his tips and insights with us. Briefly Dr. Ciaramicoli is a licensed clinical psychologist and the chief medical officer of, a popular mental health platform. He has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and chief psychologist of Metrowest Medical Center.

And we've also have Rick Titan who is the author of Crush Stress, and has first hand experience on living a stressful lifestyle as a professional athlete which has brought his to teach others how to reduce stress.

Direct download: EMB_Ciaramicoli_Titan_Vegreville.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:19pm MST

I recently took a trip to the Big Apple and I had such an incredible experience I wanted to share it with you. The buzz of the City that never sleeps alone is something I've never experienced before. It actually took me a couple days after I left to realize how much actually goes on there.

When you're in it, in most things in life it takes awhile for you to take a step back and realize what actually happened.

From homeless people to those that lived in apartments that cost $10,000 a month! It such a crazy and incredible experience to see so many different things, feel different emotions, brush shoulders with thousands of people in a day and feel the exhaustion of all of that at the end of a day.

There is so much to do is NYC I feel like you could go there for a month and still not see everything. But what I did see and what a I did experience, I share with you in this show. I hope you enjoy.

Direct download: NYC_experience__-_2016-11-16_9.36_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MST

Life of a college athlete with Matt Lehouillier who is the captain of the Olds College Soccer team. I thought it would be a fun show to bring on a local athlete to talk about their sport and what it's like to be a college athlete.

So I invited Matt on to talk about his experiences, what it's like to travel and play and go to school all at the same time as an athlete. I remember my days of traveling and playing, team bonding, new experiences and more. This show brought back some great memories that I'll always cherish.

Direct download: Matt_L_Sussex.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:23am MST

We all know how great it feels to open up the windows and get rid of old junk or things we haven't used all winter when spring rolls around. When you open the windows you are not only bringing fresh air in the house but new energy as well.

It's the same as getting rid of things you don't use or need. You feel so much better because you are releasing stagnant energy as well, which is why it's so important in learning stagnant energy on a regular basis. This keeps our stress levels own, we have less emotional baggage and our spirits are lifted as we walk around with less weight on our shoulders.

Related Shows:


This Show is brought to you by Puradyme, a company that is truly interested in improving your health!

Thanks you so much for your interest in this show of Exploring Mind and Bodyif you haven't done so already please take a moment and leave a quick rating and review of the show in iTunes by clicking below. It will keep us delivering valuable content each week and give others an opportunity to find the show as well.

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Direct download: clearing_stagnant_energy__-_2016-10-31_10.49_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MST

On this edition of Exploring Mind and Body Kristin Brown is going to talk about the importance of understanding digestive health. As a registered dietician she says the good majority of her clients deal with digestion issues in some way. On today's show we'll focus on how 70% of our immune system residents in our gut, serotonin production in our gut and basic digestion and absorption.

Kristin Brown is a Registered Dietitian running a local and online nutrition consulting practice in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Kristin is the voice behind the blog Grounded Health Nutrition, helping people craft a healthy life they love using delicious food and sustainable lifestyle practices. Through her practice, Kristin shows people that eating healthy and loving the food they eat CAN be done and that creating a lifestyle that is both healthy AND indulgent is the key to long term success.


Show Notes:

  • Digestive health,
  • inflammation
  • diet sustainability
  • focus on prevention
  • immune system
  • digestion and absorption
  • antibiotics
  • probiotics
  • gas, bloating, indigestion, diarrhea is not normal
  • chew your food
  • rest and digest
  • mindful eating 
  • gut health bacteria
  • fermented foods
  • puradyme (where to get probiotics)
  • back to basics
  • whole foods

Thank you so much for your interest in this show of Exploring Mind and Bodyif you haven't done so already please take a moment and leave a quick rating and review of the show in iTunes by clicking below. It will keep us delivering valuable content each week and give others an opportunity to find the show as well.

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Direct download: Kristin_Brown_Sussex.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04am MST

Winter is coming (or is mostly here) BLAH. There is little to look forward to except more winter BLAH ;). The days are shorter, nights are longer, less Sunshine, less activity, less fresh air. A whole lot of things that wake us up, make us feel good and give us energy is gone. 
It's important to recognize this and take action before we're stuck in 'winter depression' which is pretty difficult to get out of.  It's easy to curl up on the couch, and do nothing because it's cold and dark outside. Then of course there's winter weight, more misery, comfy clothes ;), an unending cycle of less than positive stuff going on.
Time to take action TODAY before our unhealthy habits turn into rituals. 
Direct download: Winter_Blues__-_2016-10-28_11.41_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MST