Sun, 25 December 2022
In most cases we set goals without having a real plan only because we think we're supposed to. It's the New Year and we heard we're supposed to set goals, so we don't but don't exactly know how.
Direct download: EMB_523_Why_New_Years_Resolutions_Dont_Work.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 18 December 2022
You know what the thing is, there's always a reason it's a holiday, or a birthday or a long weekend. Holidays never really end with September and the start of a new school year, then there's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year celebrations.... It never ends, which means this show's information is relevant at any time of year. We have focused on Christmas here but we can learn something here for any time of year. Learn how you can stay on track, get on track or dust yourself off and get back in the game if all went for not! |
Sun, 11 December 2022
This show is a bunch of little snippets, so if you guys aren’t quite familiar with us on social media, that’s what we do. We’re all over social media. We do lives, we do reels, we do stories, we do posts, and we’ve been doing that for years. That’s kind of how we have grown our business, fortunately, and Reels is kind of the thing right now. Everyone’s doing reels, so we got to do reels too. So obviously how social media works, they push the algorithms to do the kind of things that they want you to do for whatever reason. I think honestly tiktok’s blown up, so everyone’s kind of copying. But at any rate, what I’ve done here is, we’ve put together 30 to 60 second clips we grabbed them from social media and we threw them together in a show. I think they’re pretty good clips. You may disagree, but I thought, why not throw those together in a show podcast audio format only so you guys can listen. So you’re going to hear a bunch of different clips and they’ll be splitters in between, so you’ll know that there’s different topics. But my take on random topics that are going on, not just health and wellness, but around the world as well, because some things just don’t make sense. At any rate, I hope you enjoy! |
Mon, 5 December 2022
Today, I want to talk about customer service. I know it's not like a super sexy topic. It's not like a hot topic that everybody's talking about, but it's something that I'm passionate about and I want to share my thoughts with you, to maybe give you a different perspective, or at least to shine some light on the importance of customer service. Maybe what you could expect or should expect. And as a business owner, what you can offer as well.
Direct download: EMB_572_Offering_Quality_Customer_Service.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:20pm MST |
Sun, 20 November 2022
Vicki Cody, after 33 years as an Army wife, is now an Army mom, with two sons active in the service as Apache helicopter pilots. She wrote about her experiences in two award-winning books and advises military spouses and parents around the country. Her popular manual, Your Soldier, Your Army: A Family Guide, for the Association of the United States Army, has been distributed to well over 500,000 Army parents. Vicki is married to a retired decorated four-star general who served as the 31st Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Richard Arthur “Dick” Cody. While raising their two sons and moving all over the United States and overseas, she served as a coach and mentor for Army spouses and an advocate for Army families. As an advocate, author, and speaker, Vicki has been interviewed on CNN, MSNBC, C-Span, and Soldier Television and Radio. She has had reviews published in The New York Times, Army Magazine, Military Times, Stars and Stripes, and Army Aviation Association of America. She has also been published by Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.
Direct download: EMB_571_Vicki_Cody_-_The_Life_of_an_Army_Wife.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 13 November 2022
Today, I'm talking about our 30 Day Fitness Challenge. We're going to title this Fit and Fabulous, Fight the Flab: 30 Day Fitness Challenge for the Busy Mom. And I'm going to explain all of that right here. Even if you're listening to this at another place in time, our fitness challenge could be passed. It could be full. I'm going to explain it to you anyways, because there could come a time in the future where we're going to run another one, most likely that you may want to join. You can also take some tips, like if you're looking at someone else's 30 day challenge and you're like, whoa, that person doesn't offer half the value these guys do. Why would I go? Or maybe you don't want to sign up with us. Maybe you want more information about a 30 day challenge and you want to know what to expect. At any rate, I'm going to hang out with you for the next 30 minutes or so. We're going to talk about the fitness challenge and what it's all about and what you should look for the next time you're looking for a fitness challenge.
Direct download: EMB_570_Fit_and_Fabulous_-_Fight_the_Flab_-_30_Day_Fitness_Challenge_for_Busy_Moms-001.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 6 November 2022
Briana Borten is a spiritual mentor and energy weaver who helps people create deep transformation and live extraordinary lives. Briana learned early on that she was capable of creating her own destiny. When she was 18, she broke her neck in a debilitating car accident. It derailed her college career, but she unexpectedly discovered the power of positivity and the profound rehabilitative benefits of massage and energy work. She attended massage school and established a busy private practice in Portland. But she yearned to create an environment where clients could have a more comprehensive and transcendent healing experience. This came to fruition when, at age 23, she opened The Dragontree Holistic Day Spa. Meanwhile, Briana attended California College of Ayurveda and graduated as a Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist. This training and the following years of treating patients stoked her deepening love affair with assisting others to reach their full potential. This work has led to her opening two additional spa locations; creating a program to help people achieve their life dreams; speaking and writing extensively on personal development; formulating a product line that embodies the Dragontree’s principles and aesthetic; creating a non-profit to empower women to create lives they are inspired by; mentoring visionaries to create spiritual rootedness and become stewards of wealth; and leading transformational energy healing for groups and individuals. In her playtime, Briana is a family girl who loves to plan, create, and celebrate. She’s a huge cuddler and enjoys Sunday morning cuddle time with her amazing kids, Phoenix and Sailor, and her sweet husband, Peter. She loves swimming in natural bodies of water, hiking in the Rocky Mountains, dancing with friends (and alone), dinner parties, natural medicine, holidays, salted caramels, hip-hop music, design and decor. Briana and Peter have built a beautiful gathering space on their land in Boulder where they host gatherings and workshops involving meditation, ceremony, ritual and lots of dancing. |
Sun, 23 October 2022
This show is a bunch of little snippets, so if you guys aren’t quite familiar with us on social media, that’s what we do. We’re all over social media. We do lives, we do reels, we do stories, we do posts, and we’ve been doing that for years. That’s kind of how we have grown our business, fortunately, and Reels is kind of the thing right now. Everyone’s doing reels, so we got to do reels too. So obviously how social media works, they push the algorithms to do the kind of things that they want you to do for whatever reason. I think honestly tiktok’s blown up, so everyone’s kind of copying. But at any rate, what I’ve done here is, we’ve put together 30 to 60 second clips we grabbed them from social media and we threw them together in a show. I think they’re pretty good clips. You may disagree, but I thought, why not throw those together in a show podcast audio format only so you guys can listen. So you’re going to hear a bunch of different clips and they’ll be splitters in between, so you’ll know that there’s different topics. But my take on random topics that are going on, not just health and wellness, but around the world as well, because some things just don’t make sense. At any rate, I hope you enjoy! |
Sun, 16 October 2022
This multiple six-figure entrepreneur and Forbes Coaches Council member grew up on food stamps, below the poverty line. As a kid the only thing she understood about money was that her family didn't have it. Her fear of finances carried on into her twenties where she found herself facing eviction, mountains of debt, and the consequences of just about every financial mistake a person can make. After becoming an entrepreneur she realized that earning more was only a fraction of the equation. It was then that she committed to fully transforming her relationship with money. In a few short years Hannah went from a negative net worth to becoming an investor, owning multiple properties, and building tangible wealth. Her own journey of financial liberation catalyzed the work she does today. Hannah helps entrepreneurial leaders build wealth and become well-resourced by cultivating financial stability, sovereignty, and sustainability. Her commitment to closing the wealth gap inspired her to found The LeadWell Summit in 2021, an annual global wealth event. It's free to all participants and will be hosted again on October 17th - 21st. |
Sun, 9 October 2022
With Thanksgiving coming up I thought I’d offer some Thanksgiving Holiday Nutrition Tips which can be used during any holiday season. This is a difficult time of year for many with so many temptations right in our face, which lasts all day for some. Then the next day with treats, desserts and leftovers. It’s important to understand we’re developing habits right now, many in which that are unhealthy. So when it come to make lifestyle changes we find results come that much harder because of the habits we’re developing right now. |
Sun, 2 October 2022
Suzanne Monroe is the Founder of The International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) and Director of the IAWP’s Holistic Wellness Coach Certification and Training Program. After experiencing career burnout in conjunction with a familial health crisis, Suzanne had a wake-up moment that led her to discover her passion for holistic wellness and her purpose of helping others. Now, she aims to help people reawaken their purpose and find a career they love where last year alone she helped reach 11.5 Million people with the message of holistic wellness and living a life you love. She’s also the author of Live Well Dream Big: The Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self & Living Life On Your Own Terms and the podcast host of Live Well Dream Big. |
Mon, 26 September 2022
We couldn't be more grateful to have you tuning in with us today to learn about manufacturing supplements. I know that might sound a bit dry to some people, but I also feel like it's a pretty important topic because when you're going to buy supplements, you should know where they come from. You should know who you're supporting, what type of ingredients, what type of ethics are happening in and around the products that are being manufactured for you. For example, you go to box stores, but if you go to independent, specialized companies, it's completely different. I'm going to go over that on today's show. I'm going to give you some insights of what happens, the inside scoop, and what happens when you're trying to manufacture and design your own products.
Direct download: EMB_563_Behind_the_Scenes_of_Manufacturing_Your_Own_Supplements.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:49pm MST |
Mon, 19 September 2022
Today we've got a different kind of format. I always like to throw things at the wall to see what sticks. I also like to switch things up, not only for my benefit, because I don't like things to be stagnant, but for yours as well that we do something completely different. This show is a bunch of little snippets, so if you guys aren't quite familiar with us on social media, that's what we do. We're all over social media. We do lives, we do reels, we do stories, we do posts, and we've been doing that for years. That's kind of how we have grown our business, fortunately, and Reels is kind of the thing right now. Everyone's doing reels, so we got to do reels too. So obviously how social media works, they push the algorithms to do the kind of things that they want you to do for whatever reason. I think honestly tiktok's blown up, so everyone's kind of copying. But at any rate, what I've done here is, we've put together 30 to 60 second clips we grabbed them from social media and we threw them together in a show. I think they're pretty good clips. You may disagree, but I thought, why not throw those together in a show podcast audio format only so you guys can listen. So you're going to hear a bunch of different clips and they'll be splitters in between, so you'll know that there's different topics. But my take on random topics that are going on, not just health and wellness, but around the world as well, because some things just don't make sense. At any rate, I hope you enjoy! |
Mon, 12 September 2022
I appreciate you going to hang out with me as I talk about a very different subject. I feel like I'm talking about different subjects for quite some time now, when I say nothing less than conventional thinking, that's what the show is all about, Exploring Mind and Body. I'm talking about kids sharing pictures on social media, possibly exposing your kids and your children. I know a lot of you are going agree with this, but people don't go with most of what I say. So what's the difference?
Direct download: EMB_561_Exploiting_Children_on_Social_Media.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:13pm MST |
Sun, 4 September 2022
So recently, I made a bold statement. I stood up on my reel and said, You know what? I don't support Tim Hortons. We were going to a coffee shop and I had a friend that said, Hey, let's go to Starbucks. I'm like, I don't want to go to Starbucks. I don't really want to pay $8 for a coffee. I don't really like coffee to begin with, or to pay six bucks for a tea and I can't even pronounce their words. So I was like, man, I don't really want to go to Starbucks. And then then he's like, Well, let's go to Tim Hortons. I'm like, No, I'm not going to Tim Hortons. I said, Don't support Tim Hortons. And he said, Why? And so I explained it to him. And then I did a quick reel on social media. I'm also going to talk about segregation. I'm going to talk about what happened in the last couple of years. Some people aren't going to want to hear about it. It's so much easier to bury your head in the sand and pretend nothing has happened or nothing did happen. It seems like so much has just been forgotten about. And so, yeah, let's do it. Let's get dirty. We're going to talk about some politics. We're going to talk about what's right and wrong. We're going to talk about what, in my opinion, was good and bad and maybe we can do something about it.
Direct download: EMB_560_Why_I_Choose_Not_to_Support_Tim_Hortons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Tue, 30 August 2022
Today I'm talking about an interesting industry. I'm talking about personal training. And I got the idea because I threw up a reel on social media and I had some interesting conversations. I like to have these conversations just to see what people think and a lot of people haven't really thought about it. But the fact of the matter is that personal training is a failing industry. And I give reasons why and we'll talk about it throughout the show. But some people were offended, of course, and some people didn't really believe it, and then others were in agreement. And that's okay. Everyone's allowed to share their own opinion. Everyone is allowed and should have their own opinion. So I'm going to tell you my angle and what I believe is going to be the future of personal training and why it doesn't work for either side, the trainer or the individual. And then what you can do instead.
Direct download: EMB_559_Why_Personal_Training_Doesnt_Work.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm MST |
Mon, 22 August 2022
We’re got another new show coming at you this week and we’re talking about hypnosis. We’re changing this show up just a bit, and combing two guest interviews from Dr. Anbar and Mandy Barbee. We thought it would be fun to combine two similar topics as we talk about healing through hypnosis. Mandy Barbee, MA Economics & CCHT, founder of Palladium Mind, is a transformation and healing expert who has helped hundreds of clients across the globe to overcome anxiousness and thrive in business, health, and life. Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP, is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California, and Syracuse, New York. Dr. Anbar is also a past president, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. And these guests are the perfect guys to bring that all together. |
Mon, 15 August 2022
Today's show is all about the giant controversy of electric cars. Is this something that we should even be talking about? Yes, it is. Because we got to raise awareness around what's going on in the world today and how there is so much segregation. We got to come together. We have to stop the madness. It is absolutely bonkers how over the last couple of years, I censor most of my words on social media because they shadow ban everything if you bring up the word COVID. But it's the last couple COVID years that's created such separation sets, such segregation, it's absolutely madness and it has to end. I'm telling you, people are allowed to have different opinions. They're allowed to have different ideas. They're allowed to take different actions. We're allowed to create the life of our own personal dreams. And that should be without the cost of disapproving parents, friends, family, neighbors or viewers. Who cares what they think, you gotta do what's right for you. |
Mon, 8 August 2022
Today I'm talking about the adventures of a first time beekeeper. And guess who that beekeeper is? It's me. I always wanted bees, and I don't even know why. But this year I took the leap and started my own bee hive. I was going to say beekeeping business... Not really. It's just a hobby. But I got my own bees. There's a whole lot to do with getting honey. I always wanted my own honey, and I wanted my own bees. And I made that happen this year. And I'm getting through it. I feel like the more you learn about bees, the less you know, it is entirely complex. I'm going to share my experience with you as a first time beekeeper.
Direct download: EMB_556_Adventures_of_a_First_Time_Beekeeper.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:06pm MST |
Sun, 24 July 2022
Today, I want to talk about a controversial subject that could be rubbing people the wrong way. I don't exactly shy away from controversy. But in this regard, I feel like there are so many things going on in this world and that are based around easy times. And I know that's going to be a difficult statement for a lot of people to hear, but there's been so many easy times in this world. It's been so easy for so long, and I feel like that it is what created so much animosity towards everything. So I'm going to get through this. I think I'm going to be able to shine some light on a slightly different angle. Maybe we can open up some eyes. Maybe we can help people understand that maybe things aren't so bad, of course, depending on your situation. But we've got a lot to talk about here. I'm excited to get into it and appreciate you hanging out with me for as long as you do. And you're more than welcome to share your opinion on our social media pages. Or you can shoot in a message and you can agree or disagree. That's okay. I feel like that should be okay. In this world, everyone doesn't have to share the same opinion. But I'm going to share mine and I hope you enjoy.
Direct download: EMB_554_Easy_Times_Create_Weak_People.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:44pm MST |
Mon, 18 July 2022
Today I'm going to talk about lower back pain. I'm so excited that I've finally sat down to develop a lower back/chronic pain program. This is going to be 100% online. I'm going to tell you all about it. What's the situation I'm in, what happened to me. You can actually go back and listen to show number 520: Healing Chronic Pain. But I know this is a big subject. A lot of people deal with this. And I finally sat down and did videos and it's a module format. But don't worry, we're going to get into all that. There's going to be lots of information given away during the show. You don't have to sign up for any type of program that we have. I'm just very excited to share that with you because people have been asking, what have you been doing to help yourself? And as much as I can offer information in a short amount of time, I do that, but I haven't. The things that I've done to successfully heal myself don't take a short amount of time. It actually takes a lot of work. But I'm going to get into that. I'm going to teach you how I was able to heal myself. I'm going to talk about the mental, the physical, the tools. It's all coming up right now. So sit back and enjoy it. We got all that coming up on this episode of Exploring Mind & Body. |
Sun, 10 July 2022
Kids should climb trees, they should get dirty, they should be outside. They should be encouraged to be active. It's absolutely mind boggling to me that anyone feels that they have the right to come up to you and tell you that you shouldn't be doing something like that and kids shouldn't be climbing trees. |
Sun, 3 July 2022
Our green smoothie is very different from a conventional green smoothie or fruit smoothie with greens in it. Different purposes, different reasons. Every one of our smoothies have a different purpose. So a lot of people think that a green smoothie is just the smoothie that is green. But a fruit smoothie that is green is way different than this vegetable smoothie, green smoothie that we got going on. If you haven't seen the recipe, you should pull it up: So if you want to find any of our recipes, all you have to do is go to, and there's a search bar. Any time you want to find a recipe, it's going to be there for you. So the reason why we put this green smoothie together is because it's incredibly nutritious, energizing. So the green smoothie is different from fruit smoothie. When you look at a fruit smoothie, the fruit smoothie has sugar in it. And we very much believe that all sugars react differently in your body. We don't believe that you have to avoid sugars altogether. However, there is sugar in a fruit smoothie, a better sugar. But we don't want you to start your day out with sugar. That's not to say that you can't have an apple or a banana in your food, but in most cases, a fruit smoothie is based around sugar, bananas, apples, strawberries, whatever it is. In this case, we want you to have a green smoothie for vegetable purposes. We want you to get your vegetables because it's fantastic for fiber. It will help with digestion. And a lot of people that first start taking green smoothies are like, ‘oh, my gosh, I can't believe how much energy I have!’ And that's because of those phytonutrients filling your cells and giving you that extra energy you need. So a lot of you have had our green detoxing smoothie before, so you'll notice that we've kind of boosted the ingredient list so we've amped it up, by putting in our spearmint magnesium and by putting in our spirulina tabs. So there are two more ingredients to make it even more energizing. We'll talk about our liquid may and our spirulina tabs. You don't have to put our true form supplements into your smoothies, but you're going to notice a difference by using them.
Direct download: EMB_551_Lets_Talk_About_Our_Energizing_Green_Detox_Smoothie.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 26 June 2022
As the co-founder of Culina Health, Vanessa’s magic lies in her realistic and personalized approach to nutrition. With science as her first love, she is interested in helping clients to take an active role in their health journey with the help of her expertise: personalized lifestyle plans backed by evidenced-based, science-driven nutrition counseling, adult weight management, and building a better relationship with food. Vanessa received her MS in Marketing at NYU and completed her Dietetic Internship at Mount Sinai Hospital where she worked as a Senior Dietitian for five years. Essence named “One of the Top 5 Black Nutritionists That Will Make You Change the Way You Think About Nutrition” as a guest for Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown!
Sun, 19 June 2022
I'm going to be talking about the oils you should be avoiding. And it's a deep subject. It's complicated. People get angry and frustrated because they feel like they've been lied to. It's a whole thing. But I'm going to try to raise some awareness around that for you. I'm going to help you try to understand what's going on in some of the industries, what certain oils do to our body. And that's what we have going on today. But before we jump into that, I'm going to give you a quick clip I just threw up on TikTok, and I thought it was worth sharing it with our radio and podcast audience as well. In case you don't know too much about oils or if you need to learn more about it, stay tuned, because I feel like it's a very, very shady industry. |
Sun, 12 June 2022
I don't think many of us understand the dangers of sun burns. In fact it almost seems like people are proud of burnt skin or proud of their sun burns when they post them on social media. I think it's worth noting that, there are many dangers associated with sun burns especially the long term detriment to our health. |
Sun, 5 June 2022
Today we're going to talk about how to avoid summer weight gain. We have more people gain more weight over the summer than they do during the holidays, which is crazy. Most people don't know that. Think that the summer guy works so hard to get a beach body or get in better shape, and then think that weight is not going to accumulate throughout the summer. So it's real. And that's going to be our topic today. So when it comes to summer weight gain, we are going to jump in and tell you the one of the most staggering stats. What most people don't really think of or maybe don't even believe is that September is our busiest time as a nutrition and fitness company. September. Everyone thinks that it's January, but it's not. January the last couple of years has been busy, fortunately for us. But in most cases, November, December are crazy. We're spending a lot of money on gifts and presents and then January comes along and a lot of people are paying off their credit cards or paying off their bills. So then things start to get busier in February, March, maybe, but September is slammed and I really feel like it is the same thing in gyms, September was the busiest time. It was jam packed and people were like, ‘Oh my gosh, what have I done with myself all summer?’ We know we've gained weight. We don't fit in our clothes anymore. Our schedules are kind of upside down, and now it's time to try to get back into shape or get back into routines. So what we want to talk about today is to help you beat that summer weight gain and try to get into some routines and keep understanding that this is a lifestyle. You have to continue to live a healthy lifestyle, and that's going to make a big difference.
Direct download: EMB_547_How_to_Avoid_Summer_Weight_Gain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:21pm MST |
Sun, 29 May 2022
Today we're talking about why you should not weigh yourself. One time one of our topics was You Should Burn your Scale. Why? Because the thing is, we get obsessed with things like scales. And it's not a proper way to measure success. It's not an accurate way to measure success. We were thinking about the scale and how we let the scale control how we feel about ourselves. And we are always taught to do it too. And we're always taught to let go of those people in our lives that don't make us feel good about ourselves. But then we have this scale in our life that puts us down every single day, but yet we keep going back to it. So it's like being involved in a friendship where you are not treated fairly or you are treated poorly and you keep going back to it over and over and over. We can't really remember a time that we've ever stepped on a scale and been happy. It's like an abusive relationship. See, the thing is that the thing when it comes to the scale is that we have such a short success, like there's so little joy in your life from the scale. So here's what happens, is we wake up and we have a goal that we want to reach and we don't really know if that goal is proper, if that suits our lifestyle, that goal is usually someone else’s, like some celebrities. So we feel like we should even know that their body is built entirely differently. And then so when we step on the scale we have, let's say we lose 3 pounds and maybe that's in our mind and we say, ‘I want to lose at least 3 pounds when I step on that scale’. So let's say we step on that scale and we lose 3 pounds. We are excited. And then instantly it's gone, and then tomorrow or next week I want to lose another 3 pounds. So that joy or excitement lasts for such a short amount of time. It's like there's got to be other ways that can wake us up or motivate us or cause excitement or cause joy in our life. And when you step on a scale, it’s so minimal. So our expectations from a scale are entirely unrealistic in so many different ways. It's not a pleasurable way to see and track results.
Direct download: EMB_546_Why_You_Should_Not_Weigh_Yourself.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 22 May 2022
Today we are talking about seasonal allergies. I got to tell you, they are here to stay. It's like when they get here, they don't go anywhere. So I'm going to talk about some of the things that you can do to avoid seasonal allergies, prevent seasonal allergies. When you talk about allergies, most people that we deal with naturally think of food allergies. So I used to think that all the time. I was like, ‘Why do people always say seasonal allergy, isn't just allergies?’ Because I don't really have food allergies, but I know a lot of people do. So then you think about what different kinds of allergies they are. Like seasonal allergies. So when it comes to allergies, I think it's worth noting that there are things that you can do to avoid medication. Basically, you guys know that we're a holistic people business, and I think it's easy for people just to go to grab Claritin or an antihistamine. Obviously I don't really know a ton about that stuff because we try not to use them in most cases. When you do use that kind of stuff, there are side effects and often there's long term risk. So that's something that we try to avoid. So these tips here, are going to give you some ideas on some of the things that you can do to deal with seasonal allergies, without having to shorten your time outside.
Direct download: EMB_545_How_to_Deal_with_Seasonal_Allergies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 15 May 2022
Today we are going to talk about how our brains are conditioned. I think sometimes we don't realize that we are conditioned one way or the other, so that's going to be a good topic. So when it comes to conditioning your mind, I think a lot of times we don't realize that your brain is actually conditioned for different things, and so the easiest one is conditioned for success or failure. Many times our brains are conditioned for happiness or sadness. You walk around upset, angry, depressed. That's a mindset. And I think it's a really difficult subject for people to understand and wrap their head around and maybe even cause some anger, like, ‘it's not my fault. I'm angry.’ All right, but that's a mindset. The mindset is where you are in how you're situated. Because we all know what it's like. We understand, like it's what we focus on in most cases. So when we focus on things that aren't so happy, it makes our difference, our energy down, it makes our mood down. So if we focus on things that change our mood, it changes our state of mind. Tony Robbins talks about your state, your mental state, your overall state of being. And then he uses triggers to help change the state that you're in. And it's quite impressive. He was one of the first self-help guys I started learning from.
Direct download: 544_Are_your_excuses_stronger_than_your_solutions.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 8 May 2022
Getting a restful night sleep (or lack there of) is a huge issue with many of us today. So much so, that many people don’t actually know what it feels like to feel refreshed and alive when waking up in the morning. I’m not sure too many people put the connection together that toxins that cause stress on our bodies is preventing us from getting a restful night sleep. The first thing we want to do is stop putting so many toxins in our body. We need to start paying attention every ingredient we’re consuming and be careful whatever it is, isn’t filling our body with toxins and putting stress on our body. The next thing we want to do is pay attention to our environment late in the evening. If we’re watching action movies, loud music or other things that stimulate our brain (like working) we’ll have a difficult time putting ourselves in a restful state shortly after to sleep better. And finally, speaking of stimulants, we need to pay attention to stimulants we are consuming late in the evening. Stimulants regarding highly processed sugary processed food, alcohol, tobacco and more only put more stress on our body. As much as we feel these stimulants are relaxing they really aren’t. These stimulants are waking us up internally and preventing us from putting our body in a relaxed state. |
Sun, 1 May 2022
Today we're talking about meal planning. When you create meal plans, you reduce a whole lot of stress in your life and it's like anything that you find in your life. So usually we have schedules. I put up a post on the True Form page and I asked if you're a paper planner or an electronic planner. And most people said that paper is way easier. So I'm always trying to get ahead of the times and trying to go electronic. It's so challenging. I do like the reminders, but I think there's a lot to actually writing. And I think just for me personally, just organizes better in my brain when it's on paper and you can physically write something. We plan our work schedules, we plan the projects that we need to get done at home, and then we plan our weekends for sports, we plan our own type of getaways. And so I think when it comes to planning in general, if we can understand how much stress reduction there will be in our lives around actually sitting down to plan, it'll make your whole life that much easier. It's such a crucial step to your success in living a healthy lifestyle. And it will just give you so much more benefits because like I said, the stress that is lifted off of you is amazing. So I think where the difficulty comes from, is actually setting that time aside to do it. So it's like we always tell our members, it's like setting an appointment with yourself, to sit down and meal plan. But having a meal plan just on itself, whether you created it or somebody else has created it for you, it just reduces that stress. Once you have the plan, you just put the plan into action. It’s just making that time for yourself and understanding that that is your time. It's your time to prepare and set up your whole week for success. So when we talk to clients and we say, why didn't you? Why didn’t this week go so well? And then they say, Well, I didn't plan. And 98% of the time when it comes to nutrition, that's exactly what it comes down to, is that you didn't plan ahead and you really need to sit down and set that schedule up for yourself. And then you have your whole week set up for success and you don’t have to worry about things like ‘I think the kids are stressful’ when kids are like ‘mom or dad, what's for dinner?’ And like, ‘I don't know.’ And you know, you have like this window of time before hunger turns into meltdown. And then you can't go back. There's no turning back. It's happening right now. Right? So we want to avoid that stress for you because it's so stressful. You've had a full day of work. Usually you come home and people are counting on you for a meal to feed them and that’s stressful. And then you're like, I don't know what's for dinner. I didn't go to the grocery store. I don't know what the grocery list is and everyone is just rushing around like you're always behind. So we want to release that stress. It's nice to not ask or be asked what's for dinner because you have a plan. So if you're making a meal plan yourself, there's a few steps that will make it a lot easier for you because there's a lot of tasks that can be a little daunting. So here are some of the tips that will help you create your own meal plans!
Direct download: 542_How_to_Create_Your_Own_Meal_Plans.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 24 April 2022
Writer and advocate for fair and equal education, Clayvon C. Harris earned a BA in English literature from Swarthmore College where students are taught they have the ability to change the world and an MFA in Cinema-TV/Screenwriting from the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts. During her time in Los Angeles, Clayvon wrote for a number of TV shows, including Living Single, Soul Food: The Series and Star Trek Voyager. She is a member of the Writers Guild of America. Harris currently lives and writes in the Philadelphia area where she specializes in messaging strategy, digital content creation and script development. Her first book is the award-winning collection of essays, Year of Trial, Year of Grace—A Catholic’s Search for Faith. For more information, please see: |
Sun, 17 April 2022
Artist and photographer Nicole Asherah focuses on the gritty and conflicting emotional process involved with healing in her powerful, moving debut poetry book, A Life Cycle: A Guide to Healing and Rediscovering Yourself (March 14, 2022). While many would consider Nicole young at only 22 years old, she carries the wisdom of many lifetimes lived. Based on Nicole’s journal from three years ago when she was 19, A Life Cycle takes us through a full year of transformation in her life after being sexually assaulted, revealing hope for a new generation. Normalizing emotional processing, Nicole expertly knows how and when to dive into heavy topics and emotions. Her insight and perception come through clearly in the instances of hope and joy she interweaves throughout the narrative, a reminder that life is never just one thing. A Life Cycle strikingly champions the idea that life always holds the propensity for change. |
Sun, 10 April 2022
I wanted to talk about listening to your body, as most of you probably know or have guessed, that we often talk about things that we're going through in life. So that's why a lot of times when we're doing something with the Fitness Family, if we get a lot of questions about something in particular, that means a lot of people are going through whatever issue it is. So I thought, why not talk about listening to your body? It's an important subject and I feel like more of us can listen to our body. So that's what we're going to talk about today. It's kind of crazy. And, you know, I was actually just reading this article about how, like many of us know that depression rates are up and anxiety, mental health is a major issue right now. And I feel like it's not just because of the economic situation right now, but also what I was reading was because of, you know, like when we get excited about something, we have different chemical reactions, we have endorphins flowing through our body. So, you know, like people are actually addicted to likes and we check for likes and like, well, I wonder how many people like my post or comment or share. It's definitely very apparent in the business world for sure, because we post and we're like, Oh, the more we post our we should have more of an outreach and then the more of an outreach, maybe we can get more sales. And then if we have more sales, we can feed ourselves. So it's relevant. I'm not saying anyone is at fault for this and I think it's not just business. When we post we want to see reactions, but we actually get obsessive over the feedback. When you put something up, people actually check like, Oh, I wonder how many comments, and I've actually witnessed this, I wonder how many. But those are like a chemical reaction in our body. It's our brain. It's actually giving us. It gives us a sense of belonging, almost like when we put something out to our community and people like and respond. I suppose more than anything it gives us a feeling of belonging and of acceptance. So the article I was reading was saying that. It's not just the economic situation that's going on everywhere in the world. It's also how we're responding and how we're reacting to different things in the world. So we want instant gratification. We want gratification. We want instant support. And don't get me wrong, I can understand each one of these. And we have the same feelings in some regards or the same reactions. But what I'm trying to express here is that our senses of appreciation have been dulled. And it was like I said, it was this article I was reading. It was very profound or extraordinary. It was very interesting to me, like, It's never enough. And we know that as a society, we don't have a big enough house, we don't have a nice enough car, we don't have enough money in the bank. And whatever it is, these are all materialistic types of things. But when, the more you achieve, I suppose, or the more you gain, the less that excites you.
Direct download: EMB_539_Lets_talk_about_listening_to_your_body.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:25pm MST |
Mon, 4 April 2022
Let's talk about cravings! They come when our bodies are missing something in our diet. If you are cutting something out like refined sugar, cravings are very normal. You can handle the cravings by replacing what it wants with something healthy.
For example, when you crave sugar you could have something with a natural sugar like an apple or orange, have some healthy baking (granola bar, muffins, cookies etc.) make tea with honey in it or take your mind off the situation completely and go for a walk or get out of the house. Chances are when you come back you won’t think about it anymore. Remember that cravings are normal. You aren’t doing anything wrong. I still get cravings. Usually when I’ve missed something in my diet that day. Maybe not enough carbs or fats for example. Address your cravings in a healthy way and they will subside. Also, it is very important to have an evening snack to keep your metabolism going. I believe that the old trick don’t eat after supper comes from the idea that evening snacking is unhealthy food. In this meal plan our snacks are healthy so you don’t have to worry about the food being stored as fat. Our snacks are very nutrient dense so your body is going to recognize and utilize the nutrients from the food. It won’t be stored. It’s a hard concept to wrap your head around but eating more food (6 small healthy meals a day) will help you lose weight. It keeps your metabolism running at a higher rate and burning off fat. You don’t want to cut off your metabolism too early in the evening because then it will slow down and stop burning fat. Plus it will be harder to jump start in the morning.
Our top 3 Tips on How to Fight Cravings #1. Consume Smaller Meals Throughout the Day #2. Always have a meal/snack meal prepared in the fridge #3. Don’t buy low quality food (so it’s not tempting you sitting in the house) #4. (Bonus) Find Healthy substitutes
Direct download: EMB_538_Lets_talk_about_sugar_cravings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm MST |
Sun, 27 March 2022
Ran D. Anbar, MD, FAAP, is board certified in both pediatric pulmonology and general pediatrics, offering hypnosis and counseling services at Center Point Medicine in La Jolla, California, and Syracuse, New York. Dr. Anbar is also a past president, fellow and approved consultant of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. Dr. Anbar is a leader in clinical hypnosis, and his 25 years of experience have allowed him to successfully treat over 7,000 children. He also served as a professor of pediatrics and medicine and the director of pediatric pulmonology at SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York, for 21 years. Dr. Anbar also worked as a guest editor and advisory editor for the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. His experience has offered him the opportunity to direct and co-direct more than 20 clinical workshops on the subject of pediatric hypnosis. Additionally, he has trained more than a thousand healthcare providers and lectured all over the world. In addition to his teaching and lecturing experiences, Dr. Anbar has been the principal investigator in 10 published case studies of pediatric hypnosis and involved in research trials of children with cystic fibrosis and other pulmonary disorders. He is a published author of more than 50 articles, abstracts, and book chapters on pediatric functional disorders and pediatric hypnosis. Graduating from the University of California-San Diego with undergraduate degrees in biology and psychology, Dr. Anbar earned his medical degree from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine. He completed his pediatric residency and pediatric pulmonary fellowship training at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Dr. Anbar received training in hypnosis from the Society of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
Direct download: EMB_537_The_Healing_Power_of_Hypnosis.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Mon, 21 March 2022
What to eat? A good thing to have in your pantry is a snack basket or a snack bin. And you can have granola bars in there, trail mix in there, all ready to grab and go. And have your fruit in the fridge already washed. So you just grab it and go. You can have mixed veggies already chopped up and even in little containers if you can. And then again you just grab and go. I think it all comes back to: If we're not prepared, then it's probably not going to happen. It's very difficult to live a healthy lifestyle without being properly prepared. So if you could, I suppose, wrap your head around understanding that we need to be prepared on a regular basis, then we're proactive instead of always rushing behind and trying to catch up, especially when it comes to snacking. Sometimes we're not always sure that we should be snacking all the time and we should be snacking throughout the day. So we can touch on that a little bit about the importance of why we need to be snacking between our regular meals. So when it comes to the importance of snacking, it's important to understand that we need to snack throughout the day to increase our metabolism. So a lot of times people don't have energy throughout the day. And I think that has a lot to do with lack of food or lack of nutrients. And when we don't have energy, we can't perform well. We all know what it's like to not have proper performance or not feel well, not feel well or energized. So if we can understand that we can increase our metabolism by small meals throughout the day, then we can burn body fat, we can gain energy, we can drop some inches that we're looking for and we can just feel better throughout the day. I used to believe this or think that the less that you eat throughout the day, you know, for those of you who might be looking to drop a few pounds or lose a bit of weight, I always thought when I was trying to lose weight, the less that you ate, the better. But it wasn't until I started eating more frequently throughout the day and boosting my metabolism that it really started to shed the weight. So it's so interesting because we have that mindset that less food means less weight. Which is backwards. So when it comes to snacking, you need something like Complete Truth Protein in your smoothies. This is a protein supplement that we designed and it's really based around those nutrients that we don't get throughout the day. So we need whole food in our bodies, we need to continue to put high quality nutrients in our body. complete truth. Complete Truth Protein is made with whole foods. So we have quinoa and we have hemp hearts or hemp seeds. So by putting these good quality nutrients into our body on a regular basis, we can fight cravings. For example, we can gain energy. And one of the first things people say when they start using Complete Truth Protein is that they can't believe how much energy they have. And that's what happens when we put good quality nutrients into our body. When our body doesn't recognize, utilize or absorb the foods we put in our body, it's because they're hard to digest or they don't really recognize, or you need to use it in your baking. We have awesome protein balls, for example, it's a great way to increase your metabolism, give you a boost of energy and put proper nutrients into your body throughout the day so you can live healthy all the time. |
Sun, 13 March 2022
I want to talk about kindness, I just think it's a topic that could be talked about a bit more often and could be more addressed. A lot of people are stressed out and have challenges dealing with emotions. And that's what's most important to practice: caring, empathy, love, kindness. But that's also the hardest to do. And here's the thing, it's like when it's the holidays, right? So at Christmas, you have family stress. You have finances, presents, sometimes traveling, and that is the most stressful time of year. And exercise is the number one way to reduce stress, but it's also the least amount of time people work out. It's kind of funny, but then we have summer as well. Most people, or a good number of people don't really work out in the summer because they are camping and traveling and spending time with family. So I was just comparing the two like we need to exercise to reduce stress right at the holidays. It's the same thing right now as a good majority of our population is stressed out for whatever reason. It's an interesting paradigm and how that works because it's like they conflict. And I relate most things to food and exercise because that's what we do. But I mean, it's the same thing at the grocery store, right during the holidays when you should be eating healthier and cleaner because our stress is so high. That's when we go and we buy the pies and pastries and refined sugar, right? So we have to kind of flip that around. We have to make better choices. And I think when it comes to understanding anger and frustration, like with friends or family members, it's something that most of us don't practice. It's not something you learn in school, it's not something that you could read books and learn about, but it's not something that we openly work on in practice, and I think that we'd be much better off if we did. But it's really that understanding of trying to put yourself in someone else's shoes, which is challenging, of course, but try to see the situation from someone else's perspective. Usually we have so much tunnel vision. It's all about me. It's like ego. Ego and superego, I think.
Direct download: EMB_535_Compassion_Kindness_and_Understanding.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:00pm MST |
Sun, 6 March 2022
Today I'm going to talk about being on a movie set, and it was actually pretty cool. So what happened was they tell you at the very last minute and I don't know if that's because they're so busy or because of privacy reasons. But we actually applied to go to the one that they were filming in Didsbury. All they said was, we are looking for extras, send in pictures, which is a bit odd because I feel like they're just looking for bodies like, I don't think it matters what you look like, although it would be flattering to believe or think that you got on because maybe you're good looking. But I think that's a stretch. I think they're just looking for bodies. So you need someone that has a flexible job or doesn't have a job, someone that doesn't have kids or can bring their kids with them. And you need someone close enough and then you need someone that can sit there all day and do nothing. It almost sounds prestigious, but it's not. And I'm only saying that because, and I don't mean like, it's really cool and it's unique and it's different and interesting. But I think that all they need is bodies and people to stand there, and to be a hundred percent honest with you, that's just my perspective. It could be wrong. I don't want to downplay it. It was definitely a cool experience. But they did ask me, they said, well, you shave your mohawk, and I was like, Do I have to? And then they said, yes, it was filmed in the 80s, like 80s theme, so it wasn't too many people with mohawks. They don't let you wear any jewelry. So no jewelry of any kind for obvious reasons and people take their glasses off. It was really cool. What was most interesting to me is I'll be on set and I'm watching the actors and watching the extras. I'm watching the film crew and it was really cool for me to see the behind the scenes and pay attention to every single detail. And that's what they do. And it sounds funny because earlier I was, I played professional sports and everyone wants to be in the limelight. Everyone wants to be the one. They want to be the star. Well, for me, the behind the scenes was way more interesting. So let me tell you the process. This is my first experience. You have to do things a few times before you can feel the energy in the people, but here is what I can tell you about it.
Direct download: EMB_534_What_its_Like_to_be_on_a_Movie_Set.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Mon, 28 February 2022
It's the little things that we have to get excited about, because there's so much stress right now, so many people are in limbo. I feel like we have to find things to look forward to. We have to find things to get excited about and it doesn't matter what it is like, it could be the sun's coming out a bit earlier or the Sun staying up a bit later. Whatever it is, we have to go and we have to find that positivity. And I got a little secret that I'm going to share with you. It's not really a secret, but I'm looking at snowmobiles, so I have a motorcycle. I usually post pictures in the summertime or in the spring. If I'm here I love to ride my motorcycle. I've been riding my bike for 20 years and I've never really thought about snowmobiles. I never really thought about snow because I'm a summer person. I like to go to the beach or like to get away from the snow. So I've been looking at snowmobiles and I've been talking to people about snowmobiles. But here's the thing, is that I don't like the winter. Like, I really dislike the winter, and I do just about anything to get away from the winter. So I understand that you have to give yourself something to look forward to, like we work all the time. I'm a workaholic, I work from when I get up to when I go to sleep, but we all need hobbies and something like we like to go hiking. We actually made it a plan like consciously said once a week. Every week we're going to go away and get outside. We're going to go for a little hike or we're going to go for a walk, not just a little walk. We're going to drive somewhere because there's so many beautiful places around that we take for granted, and that's something that's been helpful to look forward to throughout the week. But we have to look forward to something. So I was kind of messing around. I was like, Well, if I'm sticking around this this winter, I want something to look forward to. And it's still like, I don't have it yet. And the winter has been here for a couple of months here. So I'm still working on the snowmobile thing. But for me, some people like to turn their nose up and they're like, Oh, you don't have time for that? Or where are you going to take it? Or why would you do that? Just really odd. It has nothing to do with someone else. Do you know what I mean? Like, if you want to do something like if something excites you, then people should encourage you to do something. I feel instead of being like, Oh, looking for reasons why? That's not a good idea. It's terribly odd, but I think you have to be careful with who you share your excitement with. You have to be careful who you share your goals with, who you share your new things with because people will put you down, and that's why people don't share goals. You got to share your goals. You gotta make it public. Friends can possibly put you down. But it's so odd to me, like it has nothing to do with them. They should be like, Go on that, go join that gym, go join that fitness group. Go like you should encourage them. But I feel like people feel like you're leaving them behind or you're doing things exciting and they're not doing anything exciting. There's a number of different reasons why people don't encourage you, but I think it's really sad when you and your friends or people that are supposed to be your friends don't try to encourage you. And I think we have to go out and find those types of people.
Direct download: EMB_533_Pushing_your_Limits_and_Finding_Something_to_be_Excited_About.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm MST |
Mon, 21 February 2022
On this edition of Exploring Mind and Body, I wanted to open up some of my own Random Thoughts to you. In this show I talk about business, how it's difficult to find people to help. They want something very specific or they're not going to do it. There's only so much you can do for your business. How banks are basically stealing from you and how they charge hidden fees, even when they advertise a zero-fee product. Shady stuff was going on with Amazon Alexa devices, they were basically stealing bandwidth to sell it to other clients. How social media is regulating what you can or can't say. What oils need to have in their ingredients to put a name on the label. How to find a good quality coconut oil - what is MCT oil and the different chains of MCT oil. Which one is better for you. Food industry and supplements industry: Are they concerned about our health? Why we have to always read ingredients. And these kinds of things just happen right in front of us. Hope you enjoy!
Direct download: EMB_532_Random_thoughts_on_Finances_Investments_oils_and_more.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:07pm MST |
Tue, 15 February 2022
When it comes to reducing stress, there's no system in our body like all of our organs do. One of my favorite things about the body and how it's designed is how our bodies have a giant defense mechanism. So when you're doing weights, let's say you're doing curls, for example, your body puts a certain amount of stress on your biceps as you curl to help them grow back bigger next time. So if you put that same amount of stress on it, it'll be able to handle that same movement in motion.
Of course, many of us may know that you always want to change up your workouts and it's called muscle confusion so your body doesn't adapt and change which is called the plateau in the fitness world.
And you can stop seeing results, which is why we change your workouts up every time. They're always a different order or a different set or different exercise. And so because of that, we won't keep wanting to continue to change the different stresses we're putting in our body in a good way. So you could argue that you're putting stress on your heart and lungs, for example, when you're working out.
But that's good stress. This stress that we're talking about today isn't necessarily, well, certainly isn't good stress. So the defense mechanism of the body is, you know, when you work out your heart and lungs, for example, they get stronger. They are able to take on more stress than they are able to make your body healthier for a number of different reasons. But when we look at the different organs or different functions of our body, we don't have an actual pump. It's like our lymph nodes don't actually have a pump to help us detox out of our body. We have to do things like exercise or like I've read, those vibration machines work really well for that or bouncing on a trampoline like that would help clear out your lymph nodes, for example.
And you know, what's interesting is that your lymph nodes are in your brain, and when you sleep, those lymph nodes detox through your sleep. So that's pretty interesting too, at least for me. But what I'm saying is that when it comes to stress, there's nothing in our body, there's no organ or there's no function that will naturally reduce stress.
Like when we're breathing, you don't consciously breathe. You're not like, “Ok. Don't forget to breathe.” You may never get to. You may forget to take deep breaths, especially when you're stressed out. But there's nothing that says that in your brain, you have to continue to breathe. It's a natural function.
So when it comes to stress in our body, we don't have any natural function. We don't have any organ that's like, OK, that continues to pump or continues to work to reduce stress. So the problem is that we continue to raise our stress levels and then we get stressed out and then we lose our mind. And then all kinds of crazy things happen to our bodies while we're stressed out and we don't do anything to reduce that stress.
Direct download: EMB_531_The_Importance_of_Managing_Stress_Levels.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:55am MST |
Sun, 6 February 2022
We had such a great time last time we brought on R. Blank that we wanted to bring him on again and talk more in depth. This is one of our longer shows, but it was well worth it. This show is jam packed with conversation and tips on how detrimental technology is for your health and what you can do about it. Tune in to learn hacks, tips and tons of information on how to stay healthy while using your favourite devices and even how to keep your family safe! |
Tue, 1 February 2022
In part 2 of this 2 part series I talk about the importance of compassion of being a contributing human being to this world.
It's so important to practice compassion espeically in the world we live in today. We don't know what another is going through and it's best not to judge. Remain grateful, change your mind set to appreciation and we'd all make this a better world to live in.
Direct download: EMB_529_Compassion_and_gratefulness_PART_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:04pm MST |
Mon, 24 January 2022
In part 1 of this 2 part series I talk about the importance of compassion of being a contributing human being to this world. It's so important to practice compassion espeically in the world we live in today. We don't know what another is going through and it's best not to judge. Remain grateful, change your mind set to appreciation and we'd all make this a better world to live in.
Direct download: EMB_528_Compassion_and_gratefulness_PART_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:38pm MST |
Mon, 17 January 2022
GeNienne Samuels is the founder and president of Sideline Prep, as well as an accomplished entrepreneur, consultant, coach, and public speaker. Freelancing as a news anchor, producer, and reporter, Samuels is also a Business Process Reengineer(BPR), quality and process improvement consultant, and holds the distinguished credential of being a Project Management Professional(PMP). Samuels recently retired as a Wizard Girl for the NBA’s Washington Wizards to take on the role as the In-Arena Host for the Washington Wizards. In addition to her love of stunting, cheerleading, and dance, GeNienne owns a quality consulting company, GS Consulting & Communication, Inc.(GSCC), that services the State of Maryland, the Federal Government, and small businesses and nonprofits in the DC Metropolitan area. GeNienne is also the host for two television shows: “Operation Rising Star'' (in support of the military) which airs on the Pentagon Channel and “SchoolScene: (in support of Fairfax County Public Schools) which can be viewed on RedApple21 in Fairfax County. Sideline Prep is an international network of current and former professional and semi-professional cheerleaders that fully prepare aspiring professional cheerleaders with the knowledge, style, and glamour to walk into professional cheerleading prep classes and auditions for the NFL and NBA with confidence and ultimately, “sideline-ready.” GeNienne and her team of coaches have spent years developing, implementing, testing, tracking, and tweaking strategies, techniques and advice to target the techniques that yield positive results so they can share, deliver, and teach what really works.
Direct download: EMB_527_Sideline_Prep_-_GeNienne_Samuels.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:47am MST |
Mon, 10 January 2022
Chronic pain is something many deal with, much more than we know. In fact, there's a good chance we'll all deal with chronic pain in one way or another. Let's talk about how to prevent, how to treat and how to deal with what can be a debilitating experience. In this show I also talk about participation awards, learning from failure and not understanding what it's like to go through life's ups and downs. And finally hard work, one of my favourite topics. There is no substitute for hard work. Hard work gives us more options, it makes us better people and prepares us for life especially going through hard work early on at a younger age.
Direct download: EMB_525_Chronic_Pain_Participation_Awards_and_Hard_Work.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30pm MST |
Mon, 3 January 2022
Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. As a kid, he suffered from inflammation, brain fog, Frustrated by the lack of good information and tools, Joe decided to embark on a journey of After creating the biohacker's ultimate resource website, SelfHacked, Joe moved on to found SelfDecode, |