Thu, 28 May 2015
Today on Exploring Mind and Body Kim Campbell joins me for an interview all about their Plantpure Nation movement. Now, not only is this a study and cookbook but it's a documentary as well. Kim is the daughter in law to Dr. T. Colin Campbell author of the China Study and creator of The Plantpure Nation cook book. For more details about Kim you can find them Kim Campbell. |
Wed, 27 May 2015
It's funny how we spend out entire lives chasing material possessions isn't it? Then we wake up one day, we're a little bit older and wiser and we figure out material possessions don't make us happy. The only thing that makes us happy is family and friends and what we contribute to the world. But that doesn't matter now, now does it. We want bigger houses, fancier cars, shinier jewelry (the ones that come in the blue box). All the while all we're doing is masking who we are, we're hiding behind material possessions thinking more things will make us happier when all the while we know deep down, new things doesn't fulfill any deep need or want we're looking for. |
Mon, 25 May 2015
The Power of Accountability is incredible because it seems as thought with a little accountability we could accomplish great things. This topic came because of a story I want to share with you coming from one of my clients. Now most of us know the pressure of being in a work environment where co-workers and even customers and clients are bringing in all types of goodies, treats and unhealthy snacks. So my clients to me when someone offers them something unhealthy, they say 'no thank you, if I eat that, I'll have to tell Drew I ate that'. I thought this was so simple it's genius. Here's the issue, many of us know what it feels like when we eat something unhealthy. We feel guilt, we usually get a sugar boost, then a crash, have little energy and struggle to get through the day. There's a good majority of people that actually want to avoid this but problem is, we have so much external pressure to try this or eat that so we don't hurt someone's feelings. |
Sun, 24 May 2015
This interview on Energetic EyeHealing with Dr. Roberto Kaplan was an absolute pleasure. I've been looking for an eye expert for quite some time and feel so fortunate I came across Dr. Kaplan. Here's the issue, we as a society accept our eye health to decline as we age, which isn't much different than our expectations regarding our overall health. I wanted to find someone that had the same beliefs as I did and could explain how we can actually improve our health naturally. I'm quite certainly, I wouldn't be able to find anyone better for the job. |
Thu, 21 May 2015
Course you're not exactly able to hide behind windows but I feel that many of us try to hide in the open. We try to hide who we really are when all the while most can see right through us. And even if they can't, this about how difficult it is, think about how much energy it takes to front a smile all the time. How much energy you spend masking who you really are. I believe each one of us have a gift to share with the world and it starts with out own authentic selves. I feel that many of us have hidden talents that we don't share with the world because we're afraid of what others might think. It's certainly not easy letting yourself be vulnerable to judgment, disapproval or naysayers. |
Mon, 18 May 2015
Personally, I believe we can look at increased stress rates, weight gain and even injuries to how we internalize issues in our lives (Internalizing - Stress, Injuries and Weight Gain). The issue is, something stressful comes up in our life, we may have been wronged, disrespected, hurt or embarrassed. The initial action isn't the issue, the issue is how we deal with the emotions that arise from a situations like this. Some people can let go and move on, others are hurt for a period of time and then also move on, but a good majority of us hold on tightly to those hurt feelings, and internalize them. We push this situations and these feelings down so deep we may have them inside us for years, even our entire lives without addressing them.
Direct download: Internalizing_-_stress_injurins_and_weight_gain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:48pm MST |
Sun, 17 May 2015
Reduce stress with breathing and nutrition with my guest Dr. Cinythia Ackrill. Dr. Ackrill earned her B.S. at Duke University and M.D. At the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and practiced primary care medicine for over a decade. She then spent another 10 years studying brain mapping, neurofeedback, and biofeedback for a variety of mood and behavior challenges, including stress. Fascinated by how humans struggle with behavior choice and change, she went on to certify in wellness coaching and leadership coaching.
Direct download: EPISODE_193_Reduce_stress_with_breathing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:43pm MST |
Thu, 14 May 2015
So I was sitting in my house the other day and just finished drinking a green smoothie. Then I looked to my left and on the table I noticed a new green plant I just picked up at a local farmers market. Then I saw a basil plant a friend just gave me on the window sill. Finally I thought about all the green food in the fridge, how I just made a real fruit post workout drink and how we just finished with a this Vegan Detox Challenge. I felt like everywhere I looked I was surrounded by life. Plants, and green food and everything that represented life in some form. Then I started to think about the opposite, what didn't represent life in my life and how I could continue to put more things in my life to make me feel more alive an vibrant. |
Tue, 12 May 2015
Spring is here and there's no better time than to take advantage of a fresh start with spring right now! Motivation is high, the birds are chirping, the grass is literally greener and it's time to start fresh. It doesn't matter if it's a workout program or eating better; you could clean out the house, have a garage sale or get away from the ordinary. I have all kinds of examples and reasons why it's important to take advantage of this moment right now. |
Sun, 10 May 2015
Anita Parker has a long list of credentials that include a Bachelor of Science, a Bacehlor of Education and along with an AFLCA instructor who certifies trainers she has taught fitness classes, yoga and more for over 20 years. It's an absolute pleasure to have Anita on the show and share this interview with you. I love the topic of get fit with gratitude because I personally believe coming from a place of gratitude we can be more successful in all areas of life, so why not fitness as well. Without boring you, Anita talks about how our bodies actually chemically change by having a mindset of appreciation. She also goes over numerous benefits that will actually show you how you can get fit with gratitude. |
Sat, 9 May 2015
Psychotherapist Susan Anderson is the author of Taming Your Outer Child, as well as The Journey from Abandonment to Healing (over 125,000 copies sold). The founder of the Outer Child and Abandonment Recovery movements, she has devoted the past 30 years of clinical experience and research to helping people resolve abandonment and overcome self-sabotage. Visit her online at |
Mon, 4 May 2015
Setting up your day for success is one of the most important things you can do. We all know what it's like to wake up late, scramble to get to the office and when we get there we have so many things to do we don't know where to start. Not only that but we're usually doing things for everyone else, and not doing the things we need to get done for ourselves. In this show I talk about tips to start your day out right, to plan ahead of time and even know exactly what you're doing the next day, the night before. |
Mon, 4 May 2015
Who you let in your life in large part is whom you become. It's absolutely essential to moving forward in life to pay attention to who you let in your life if you'd like to progress and become that person you want to be. Without a doubt, every single person that comes into your life either positively affects you or negatively affects you. Everything from your thoughts words and actions are affected by your surroundings, so choose wisely. |
Sat, 2 May 2015
Why do we treat our loved ones worse than we treat perfect strangers? It sounds funny, maybe even odd but it's the truth. And I'm not saying we should treat strangers any worse, we should be kind to everyone equally but especially those we love most. Those that mean more to us, those that we love should be treated with love and respect but instead we take out our anger and frustration on those we love the most. It would be a good idea to consider how we treat others no matter who they are or what they mean to us. |
Fri, 1 May 2015
Making Healthy Choices in a progressive manner is the key to making lifestyle changes. Small steps are sustainable steps and here's how to take them. Show notes: