Ageless Energy

I recently had a wonderful conversation with Laura-Jane who is known in the internet world (do to her incredible website) as the Rawtarian.

She talks about making it simply to start eating vegan, raw food and even offers some simple recipes to share with us.

Direct download: EPISODE_158.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:33pm MDT

This interview is with founder of Primal Blue Print Mark Sisson.

Mark's health philosophy?

Really, my health philosophy is surprisingly simple. I follow a diet based on an understanding of evolutionary science. I think it’s more important to eat, move, and live according to how humans are designed and not according to society’s artificial developments of the last 100 years. Fortunately, this type of lifestyle is not only incredibly healthy, it’s quite simple.

In a nutshell:

  • Fresh, nutrient dense, high antioxidant, preferably locally grown/naturally raised food choices
  • Daily activity – whether it’s the gym or a walk along the beach, it all counts
  • Plenty of quality sleep, sun exposure, play, and intellectual stimulation
  • Avoid all sweets and sweetened beverages. Once you break free, they lose their allure
  • Time for fun – don’t take anything too seriously
  • Ethical behavior – because what goes around comes around
  • Taking responsibility for yourself and your life – openness to new things and ideas
Direct download: EPISODE_157.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:46pm MDT

This is another short blog post from

I talk about improving your quality of life through taking baby steps. Many times we think we have no time, we have no energy, we have no resources when all the while if we change our mind set, if we look at life just a little differently we can make a difference in our lives.

Baby steps are steps are sustainable; if we do one thing at a time we can achive what we set out to.

Direct download: improving_your_quality_of_life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54pm MDT

This is an interview with Author Ron Garner where we talk about his new book Disease Free Revolution as well as what is the Alkaline and Acidic blanance in the body.

Direct download: EPISODE_156.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40am MDT

Here is a short blog post on perspective posted on True Form Facebook page

I'm talking about how perspective is really everything.  It can increase our quality of life or the opposite.  The way we see things is the way they are and if we want to make changes in our life for the better we need to start with perspective.

Direct download: perspective.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:28am MDT

You know what’s sad, is that grown adults still bully.  What may be worse, grown adults allow themselves to be bullied.  I mean when you’re a child it’s hard to understand what’s right and what isn’t. Sure you’re uncomfortable but how can you do anything about it.  I mean, at times it feels like there are so many leaches in this world, people that want to suck the life out of you....

Direct download: bullying.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:31pm MDT


  • Living a healthy lifestyle all the time
  • Preparing a head of time
  • Booking a kitchen
  • Planning on farmers markets
  • Look to places that are active, the beach, gym’s, yoga, walk, bike
Direct download: EPISODE_155.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm MDT

Here is a short blog post from my True Form Life Facebook page about living your life like it's a vacation.

  • if you structure your life like it's a vacation then what's the difference when you go somewhere else?
  • Full post here


Direct download: vacation.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:41am MDT

In this podcast I talk about overcoming being afraid to follow your dreams.  I go over my personal journal of my dreams and where I plan to be.  I hope this show inspires you to over after your dreams as I plan on doing.

Direct download: Following_your_dreams_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:28pm MDT