Mon, 30 August 2021
It's back to school time which means it's time to get back on track! As a nutrition and fitness company most people think our busiest time of year is in Jan, which isn't the case. Our busiest time of year is Sept. And that's because of the long summers of BBQ, not working and eating whatever we like. No judgement here, that's just how it works. Then when the kids go back to school, regular work hours come about and everyone is looking to get back into their routines, we hear from most sharing how little they did over the summer. So it's time to get back on track and all that starts with a plan. We need to decide what is that we want, then we plan on how we're going to do that. Planning workouts is essential to getting back on track. And meal planning, along with grocery shopping, knowing what meals you're going to plan in advance is all so important. If you need some help planning workouts and meals we can certainly help with this. If you don't have a professional helping, there's nothing wrong with making your own. It's the time it takes that deter most people from doing it themselves. So if you're not going to do it yourself or if you don't have time to do it, it would be a good idea to find a trusted professional.
Direct download: EMB_506_Back_to_school_and_back_on_track.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:56pm MST |
Sun, 22 August 2021
Christal grew up in a small farming community in Southern Saskatchewan. As an avid athlete with her share of injuries, she had little assistance from the medical profession available to her in her small town so decided to study Athletic Therapy at Mount Royal College. She wanted not only to understand what was wrong and how to recover but how to prevent injuries in the first place. Through college she was able to continue with her athletics; both as a competitor and as a therapist. She was a gold medalist Badminton player at MRC and she was able to be on the sidelines of many of her favorite sports (including football, hockey, baseball and volleyball) as well as sports she had little experience with (such as field hockey, basketball and judo) throughout university. After completing her Athletic Therapy diploma from MRC and her Kinesiology degree at the U of C, she continued to work with hockey in both the Alberta Junior Hockey League, Heritage Junior B Hockey League and the Women’s Western Hockey League. She worked in private practice as an AT until requiring knee surgery (an injury sustained at playing hockey) which introduced her to the world of insurance where she worked for a number of years. Working as a rehabilitation specialist she recognized a challenge in the insurance and medical fields. There was a group of people in pain for which there is no apparent reason discoverable in today's traditional diagnostic tests or imaging. According to medicine and the insurance world, nothing was wrong with them. Christal had learned what she could in the insurance world and was anxious to get back into helping people directly in a clinical setting. After losing her mom to Cancer and her grandmother 6 months later, she learned life was just too short not to be doing what you were meant to do. But the question remained on how to help the population with unexplained pain – she needed to find a solution. After research into various educational options she found osteopathic manual therapy. A method to understand in more detail the anatomy of the human body and how all parts were interrelated. A method to understand WHY people had pain. She started her osteopathic studies in 2006 at the Canadian College of Osteopathy Vancouver Campus (now called the Canadian School of Osteopathy Manual Practice). She returned to private practice in 2007. Christal graduated after completing her thesis on vestibular disturbances in the post concussed active population. She continues to be a certified Athletic Therapist and has continued post graduate studies in endocranial spasm work, psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology, emotional work within the fluids, mechanical link, neuro-kinetic therapy, and energetic work through the medicine wheel. In January 2019 she opened Take Flight Osteopathic Wellness with the goal of bringing hope to people who feared they’d have to live with the pain for the rest of their lives. Take Flights Mission is To help you, your performance and Life Take Flight. |
Sun, 15 August 2021
It always strikes me as odd when you see someone working out like a bodybuilder who doesn't want to be a bodybuilder. If you want to look like a bodybuilder or if you want to compete in a fitness competition, sure you workout a certain way. But if you want to look lean and strong, you work out differently. Or if you want to increase the strength of your heart, maybe you have heart Dis-Ease in your family. They you don't stand and lift heavy weights, you do more cardio exercises. More weights and less reps = more mass. Less weight and more reps equal leaner muscles. The you have body weight exercises, yoga, pilates and more! There's all kinds of different ways to be fit, health and active. Be sure you're choosing the right way that aligns with the body type you're looking for.
Direct download: EMB_504_Working_out_for_your_goals_and_body_type.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 8 August 2021
Having gone through the experience of the poor health leading to the deaths of two husbands, as well as the deaths of her father, mother, sister, many family members and friends, Emily Thiroux Threatt has much experience in the grieving process and has learned to face life with love, optimism, and joy.
Emily has kept journals and written to express herself most of her life. She earned a master’s degree in English with a concentration in writing which led to her career teaching writing at the university level for 30 years including being a pioneer in online education and writing university textbooks. After having two husbands die, she naturally turned to writing to deal with her grief. She also is teaching those dealing with loss how to use writing to deal with their grief.
Her new book, Loving and Living Your Way Through Grief, was released in January 2021 by Mango Publishing and provides guidance for navigating the downs and ups of the unfamiliar territory of grief. Each of the twenty-six chapters includes a practice which can support and comfort the reader.
Direct download: EMB_503_Emily_T-_Loving_and_Living_Your_Way_Through_Grief.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |
Sun, 1 August 2021
Hard gainers is a real thing, and it's a real struggle. Most people don't know about hard gainers because much of the world is surrounded by people trying to lose weight. So what's a hard gainer? It's someone who has trouble keeping weight on, including muscle mass. Particularly important to men, athletes but exclusively. Men and women in all walks of life struggle with being a hard gaining, but again are downplayed by so many trying to lose weight. So when we talk about the struggles around gaining weight, most people shrug it off or don't think much of it. But it's a real problem. Calling someone 'fat' to an obese person, is no different than calling someone 'scrawny' to a skinny person. It's hurtful and can stay with people their entire lives. In this show we talk about hard gainers, what it's like to be this type of person and what you can do about it.
Direct download: 502_Hard_gainers_and_how_to_gain_weight.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST |