Mon, 27 April 2020
Many people are working out at home these days so I thought it would be a perfect time to share some at home workout tips to help increase your success while trying to stay in shape at home. We have a long list of tips, suggestions and ideas within the show. From finding supportive groups to accountability partners; programming in advance, finding professionals to help or making it work yourself on social media. We hope you enjoy the show, and we can help with anything please let us know!
Direct download: EMB_427_-_At_Home_Workout_Tips_Updated.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:13pm MDT |
Sun, 19 April 2020
I'm an award-winning author, speaker, teacher, technologist, and feminist. My long-time practice of meditation and mindfulness informs my view of the mixed-up roles of men and women. There are many paths to transformation and change. One of the most critical changes is for people who identify as females to understand and live their vast, core power. People who identify as men must reawaken and revive their innate ability to imbue profound, resonant love into their lives and world. I teach meditation and mindfulness to help people log into these core qualities. I’ve authored three books: - The Power of the Loving Man (to be released on March 17, 2020) - Women, Meditation, and Power - American Buddhist Rebel: The Story of Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz (winner of four literary awards; U.S. Best Books--2, The Eric Hoffer Award, and the Benjamin Franklin Award) Additional book and audiobook projects are underway. Through my company, Skye Pearl, I focus on creating truthful and powerful global communications through various forms of media. I especially want to reach out to: - Women and men who desire to learn more about meditation, - Parents who want to raise sons who respect women and girls who respect themselves, and - Young, college-age women who are ready to come in to and claim their power. I am a Director of The Frederick P. Lenz Foundation for American Buddhism. I lead the grant category titled “Women in Buddhism.” Over the past decade, we’ve awarded grants to over 150 Buddhist organizations, most of whom are involved in social movements including teaching meditation and mindfulness at schools, prisons, military veteran facilities, homeless shelters, hospitals, city streets, and youth organizations. I began my career as a freelance journalist and soon segued into Hollywood public relations, landing A-list clients in a number of entertainment sectors. Intrigued by the field of computer science, I left public relations in the 90s to take in-depth training in computer science. I was soon managing multi-million dollar IT projects for top Wall Street firms. Throughout my working life, I have taught and practiced meditation and mindfulness and observed first-hand the urgent need for upending gender norms to achieve world balance. |
Mon, 13 April 2020
Direct download: EMB_435_-_Life_changing_million_dollar_bet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:43am MDT |
Sun, 5 April 2020
Jacquelyn has been ranked top 5 Yoga Instructor to follow on Instagram, and has been featured in Shape Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Bride Magazine, the Alo Yoga Mindful Movement Book, and was a select interview guest on Los Angeles’ Morning News KTLA 5.
Direct download: EMB_434_How_to_Increase_Your_Flexibility.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:25pm MDT |