Sat, 19 August 2017
Summer Time Fitness Tips is a perfect topic to go over during the summer time. Instead of ‘getting through the summer’ why not thrive! Why not set yourself some goals and push through so you’re excited and working towards your goals during the summer time. We all know what it’s like to let the summer fly by and then have to start all over again when fall rolls around. So hang on to those routines, even make new healthy routines so the summer is more enjoyable. In this show we also talk about switching up your workouts to avoid that dreaded plateau where you stop seeing results and why we don’t need to spend hours on each workout any more! |
Mon, 14 August 2017
Joanna Brown talks about her own Panic Attacks and Anxiety in this up close and interview with Drew Taddia on Exploring Mind and Body. Because of her own struggles Joanna is now a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner, a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist, and a Raw Food Chef. She is passionate about empowering others to experience the powerful benefits that whole foods, toxic free living, stress reduction strategies, healthy routines, and self-care can have on your overall health and wellness. Her education, combined with personal and professional experience has made her committed to educating and supporting people to regain balance. Find more details about Joanna on her website found here.
Direct download: Joanna_Brown_Sussex_-_2017-08-09_7.22_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:37am MST |
Mon, 7 August 2017
Mary Hyatt is on a quest to feel alive and to live a life full of gratitude, joy, authenticity, and abundance in body, mind and soul. Mary believes that every person has the ability to create the life that they love. She lives in the heart of Nashville and her days are spent juggling the rolls of holistic lifestyle advocate as a personal life and business coach. She helps her clients wake up, find their voice and become fully alive and helps her audience fall back in love with themselves and believe in their potential. Join Drew Taddia this week on Exploring Mind and Body as he interviews Mary Hyatt on Self Love, as she talks about how she lost 70lbs and kept it off!