Ageless Energy

Dr. Trent Mozingo grew up on a small farm in Southeastern Indiana where he learned the hard work that goes into raising food from the ground up. With a large garden, farm-raised beef, pork, and chicken eggs, his family always had home-cooked meals that were raised on the farm. 

Growing up, Dr. Mozingo never knew the value of his childhood education until he began his pursuit of becoming a chiropractor at Palmer College of Chiropractic. There he learned how the human body works, and he applied his childhood education to understand how food plays an important role in keeping the body working at its best. 

Dr. Mozingo wrote his first book, The Weight Is Over, to help people understand the inner-workings of the human body and to help them take control of their own health. With great detail and reader-friendly analogies, The Weight Is Over takes the reader on a journey to build an understanding of how their health came apart, and how they can put it back together.

Direct download: Trent_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am MST

It's an exciting time of year, we all get a fresh start, it's almost like opening day in the baseball world. Everyone is excited, everyone is in first place and everyone is ready to rock! 

In this show we talk about goals and aspirations, what we're working towards, how to set proper goals and how to achieve them and not look back! 

Join me as we set your entire New Year up for Success!!!

Direct download: New_Year_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am MST

You know what the thing is, there's always a reason it's a holiday, or a birthday or a long weekend. Holidays never really end with September and the start of a new school year, then there's Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year celebrations....

It never ends, which means this show's informations is relevant at any time of year. We have focused on Christmas here but we can learn something here for any time of year.

Learn how you can stay on track, get on track or dust yourself off and get back in the game if all went for not!


Direct download: Holiday_Health_Tips_PODCAST_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am MST