Ageless Energy
My name is Cori Black, I am currently a work from home ranch wife and mother of 3. I love working as a family and spending time together outdoors. I have a passion for teaching and caring for others. I especially love helping people consider and eliminate the common toxins in their environment that could be affecting both their own body and their family's! 
As a former Elementary School Teacher I have always had an interest and curiosity in child development. How they grow and how they learn in the process is fascinating to me. Within a few short years of my teaching career, I started to feel like development was changing.
There seemed to be higher needs in a multitude of areas, entering the classroom each year with little explanation as to why. When it came time for me to have my first child I was highly invested in doing everything within my own control to keep that child safe and healthy. I began to slowly explore the ideas of eliminating toxins from my daily life and our home environment. 
It started quite slowly one product at a time. As I used one up I'd try to replace it with a better option. I quickly learned all about "greenwashing" and the lack of regulation on words like natural and pure. I was disgusted at the marketing techniques used to push products that truly weren't any safer.
I was feeling out of options, very confused and frustrated reading labels. I sped up the process with a big garbage bag as I reached the point of feeling betrayed and decided to do something more drastic! A few months into this process my cousin and her sister introduced me to some products they were using as alternatives for their own families. I was of course skeptical but willing to take a look. 
That's when the world of Essential Oils came into my life. I previously had no clue what they were or how to use them but was quite intrigued by what I was learning about them. Being a farm girl at heart it just made sense that plants, trees and all things grown in the earth could be trustworthy.(as long as I could find ones that I could trust were as good as they claimed to be.)
My exploration of basic Essential Oils was a complete eye opener for how I could begin to replace items in my home with something safer and much more effective. I discovered Young Living as a company of complete integrity and commitment to only produce the absolute best quality Essential Oils and oil infused products. I felt like I had hit the jackpot.
That was 5 years ago, and today I can't believe how exploring the option of Essential Oils has changed my family's life and our overall wellness. I have stepped back from my teaching position to be home with the most important people in my life, so that I can best care for them and myself during this season of life. I am proud to be teaching in a new avenue, sharing the message of choosing better for our families.
The risk of continuing on the path of endless toxins just isn't worth it. We get one body, and it's the only place we have to live. We best take good care of it! We are the gatekeepers of our homes and it's our job to be advocates for our own health in this ever changing world!
Direct download: Cori_Podcast_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:28am MST

Sami Wunder is an international-level dating and relationship expert, hailed by the Daily Mail as the ‘Get the Ring Coach’. She helps powerful, high-achieving women attract their dream man and create a deeply intimate and connected relationship.
In the last 2 years alone, over 100 of Sami’s clients have found soulmate love using the system of love attraction that she teaches. Such results are unheard of in the relationship coaching industry.
Sami’s work has been picked up by the BBC, Time Magazine, Forbes and many other globally renowned publications.
Sami is based in Europe and runs her heart-centered company that has reached late multiple figures and seen huge success in a short amount of time. She is blissfully married to the love of her life. They have a 2-year-old son’.
Direct download: Sami_Podcast_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:52pm MST

Drew and Dorothy have been working together on their True Form business for eight years. They enjoy teaching health and fitness to others and believe in whole body balance. For them it’s about mind, body and spirit. 
The holiday season is one of the most wonderful times of the year filled with joy, laughs and love. It can also be a very stressful time of year. This is why it’s one of the most important times of year to take care of yourself. 
In this show, Drew and Dorothy reveal their top tips on how to take care of yourself. 
Direct download: Self-Care_Podcast_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00pm MST

Erin Paruszewski is the Founder and CEO of Alkalign. Alkalign is a wellness company whose mission is to educate, empower and inspire people to be the best version of themselves that they want to be. Alkalign delivers high quality, safe and effective boutique fitness and holistic health coaching to help people feel better both today and tomorrow.Erin believes life is a marathon, not a sprint and Alkalign is the investment is you need to make in yourself to see you through the journey feeling great and without pain. 
Erin’s passion in life is helping people feel better from the inside out. Nutrition, exercise and community are all part of the equation that makes Alkalign much more thank a workout. It’s a movement.  A movement towards authentic human connection and positive, sustainable change. A movement away from fads and fitness trends and diets that prioritize short-term gains which often lead to longer term risks. Alkalign focuses on lifestyle practices that are healthy for you both short and long term. Its sophisticated methods are rooted in holistic health and exercise science. Exercises focus on mindful movement patterns, not isolated muscle groups, when exercising to develop a functionally strong body. Alignment is a primary focus to help clients protect their bodies and reduce wear and tear of the joints. 
Erin graduated from Georgetown University with a B.A. in History. She is a lifelong athlete and fitness enthusiast and began inspiring others on an indoor cycle bike 15 years ago. Erin has taught barre classes for over 13 years, holds certifications in biomechanics and myofascial release and completed a health coaching certification with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2016. 
Alkalign is disrupting the way people think about health and fitness. One connection, one class and one studio at a time. Alkalign currently has 4 locations and was named Entrepreneur’s Top Franchises for 2018. 
Direct download: Erin_PODCAST_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:26am MST

Nancie Vito, MPH, CHES is a professional life coach and founder of Flourish, where since 2009 she has helped aspiring entrepreneurs, creatives and other professionals to get out of their own way. With a background in public mental health, she is on a mission to inspire you to get unstuck, turn off autopilot and consciously create the life you want.

Working with one-on-one clients and groups, Nancie specializes in burnout prevention, overall well-being and helping people live a more fulfilled life. She has contributed to publications such as Huffington Post, Elephant Journal and MindBodyGreen.

Direct download: Nancie_PODCAST_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:36am MST