Ageless Energy

It's so important to create routines for success, it doesn't matter what you're doing or what you're trying to accomplish, creating healthy routines is the best way to go.

As humans we are creatures of habit and already have routines implemented in our lives.

Sometimes we have healthy routines, other times not so.

Regardless, we all have routines and specific ways we get up in the morning, go to work, drive home, etc.

If we were to start to create positive routines for success we'd be that much better off.

In this show I talk about the importance of creating routines around success which will certainly help take you closer to your goals!

Direct download: EMB_481_Creating_Routines_for_Success.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Nelson Tressler is the Founder and CEO of IGotSmarter, a program created to support and motivate people to achieve their goals. For the past 25 years, goal achievement and personal development have been Nelson’s passion; but his true obsession was awakened several years ago as he began the development of IGotSmarter. 


The principles, philosophies, and accountability intricately built into every aspect of the App have not happened by chance. It is a program comprised of a lifetime of study and determination to succeed not only financially and professionally, but in every area of life. 


Nelson’s passion for helping others overcome obstacles in their way came about through the difficult circumstances of his childhood. His story reads like something out of a work of fiction, but it is Nelson’s reality. Rather than using his tragic story as an excuse, he has used it to motivate himself and to help others overcome their own struggles. 


One of his favorite quotes is, “Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.” It is his vision to make this world a better place one person and one inspiring goal at a time. He believes goals not only change the current generation, they also change the generations that follow.

Direct download: EMB_480_Nelson_T.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

I love tea, I always have. But I think I'm more in love with the health benefits than anything else.

Personally I enjoy a nice green tea in the morning. More recently I've been enjoying the combination of green tea and puh er tea because of the unlimited health benefits that combo has to offer.

Tea has been used for thousands of years to help many different issues in health and to improve healing.

Maybe that's what I enjoy most about it.

It's also important to understand there is a proper way to prepare tea which I feel gets lost in the shuffle.

Take green tea for example. You can actually steep it twice for example to get rid of 75% of the caffeine.

You also only want to steep it for around 3 mins, steeping for too long will cause it to be bitter.

And then you don't want to let the green tea to sit too long before you drink it.

I've found the longer it sits the more bitter it gets.

Those are just a few tips to enjoying a cup of green tea.

But tune in and learn and laugh and enjoy more benefits and conversation about tea!

Direct download: Lets_talk_about_Tea_Antioxidants_and_health_benefits.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

It's important to understand how to read ingredients. We hear all the time how long it takes to grocery shop if you're always reading ingredients.

First of all, it's worth noting that once you start to recognize brand names and where to go in the grocery store, it'll take a much shorter time to go.

But if you look at the first few ingredients that'll give you a good inclination if it's a good product or not.

If the first 3 ingredients have sugar in them, put the product down and move on.

In the product has tons of ingredients, in most cases words that you're not able to read or pronounce. Put the product down and move on.

We should be able to easily understand exactly what's in each product that we're putting in your bodies.

Practice, read, have patience and before long you'll be a pro at reading ingredients!

Direct download: How_to_Read_Ingredients.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST