Ageless Energy

How to get em and how to keep em...

Direct download: six_pack_abs.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:16pm MST

The topic on today’s tip is the stress we put on our bodies by highly processed food.

We put an incredible amount of stress on our bodies by eating highly processed foods. I’m talking about everything from breads and pastas to chips and crackers. It would be a good idea to remind ourselves that there is usually toxins in the form of sugar, food coloring, msg, fillers, additives and other preservatives in these foods to make them look good, taste good and keep the on the shelf as long as possible which rarely means they’re healthy for us.

When we consume these highly processed foods that contain a number of toxins we’re putting an enormous amount of stress on our bodies over all, and that’s not even to specify when we have digestion issues, more directly acid reflux or indigestion, headaches, allergies like nasal issues, out of the blue headaches, and even sleep issues.

Direct download: quick_fit_tip_stress_from_processed_food.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:06pm MST

This is me talking about how I feel about airlines and airports.

Direct download: Airport_frustrations.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:01pm MST

There's so much junk on the market, so many toxins detrimental to our bodies, that only put stress on us so today I wanted to talk about a proper post workout shake and how to properly nutritionize your body so you can avoid those conventional substances.

Direct download: post_workout_nutrition.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:27pm MST

In Alberta Canada we live in an area where we’re pretty much vulnerable to how much we can control in the winter time when it comes to weather. -32 degrees Celsius (-25 Fahrenheit) is a reality for us up here and could be a daily occurrence for long stretches at this time of year.  

With blizzards and cold weather, road conditions, along with tires and conditions of vehicles (although many times it doesn’t matter what type of vehicle you have) it seems like choice is taken from us at times (don’t get me wrong though, the ultimate choice to live here is ours).

There are times throughout the winter where we literally are not able to travel because it’s too dangerous, highways are shut down or we simply don’t want to leave the house. At times this makes it difficult to run a business, make it to work, or take the kids to school.

Direct download: winter_travel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm MST

In the effort to #supportlocal and today being #SmallBusinessSaturday I walk into this one store and had an incredible experience. Beautiful store, tons of cool items, many #local and handmade items, and the service was exceptional.

Those big box stores (even though I know some are run locally) are usually filled with cheap items on sale that will break without much use, they’re cheap in price and quality, they’re made from somewhere around the world in likely difficult living conditions. And don’t get me wrong I support some of these and know owners that do their best to offer quality service and a service that’s hard to find otherwise. What I’m saying here is MOST of the time, those big stores have little customer service if any. Their main goal is to produce sales and that’s it.

Direct download: supporting_local.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:05pm MST

In this show I talk about how small talk makes me terribly uncomfortable. It's not like I do it on purpose and it's not like I try to brush people off, it's simply who I am.

I don't think there's anything wrong with small talk, all I am saying is it's not for everyone.

I also talk about a friendly young gentlemen changed my entire day with his small talk, which actually made me rethink my almost anxiety towards it.

Direct download: small_talk.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41pm MST

Farming food and healing is the title of this show and I brought on Seann Bardell on to talk about his experiences with each. I believe you'd be hard pressed to find a more traveled, educated man in these fields which is clear from all he's done and everywhere he's been.


Direct download: EPISODE_169_Seann.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13pm MST

What's great about this life is we get to choose what we want out of it. In this show I talk about how I formed my life and how you can too. I talk about the choices I've made and how I've been able to travel and see and do what I want.

The truth is we all control out own destiny and you believe you can have and do and be what you want, I believe 100% that we can.

Hope you enjoy the show!

Direct download: choosing_your_life.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm MST

I have a real issue with tipping for service because it seems like the price always goes up, then it seems like new places pop up with tip jars and expectations of giving more than you pay for.

Who decides, when will it end, feeling cheap and who's right.  I talk about it all right hiere in this show.  Hope you enjoy!

Direct download: Tipping.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39pm MST

In this episode I talk about how there is a direct correlation between toxin, stress and not being able to sleep. So I offer tips on how to detox, reducse stress and sleep better. Some of these tips include:

  • A short video
  • what toxins to avoid
  • where these toxins are found
  • Improve sleep habits through habits
  • Eating whole food to reduce stress on your mind and body
Direct download: EPISODE_168_Detox_reduce_stress_sleep_better.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:09pm MST

This show is a must listen to! And I'm serious about that, if you've enjoyed any of the past shows, you'll love this one.

Bhava Ram, actually healed himself from his death bed and tells exactly how through yoga, meditation and numerous other forms of self medication. None more powerful than his mantra given from his little boy when he said "Get up Daddy".

From the front lines as a war correspondent (reporter) to planning his death, Bhava openly shared what it took to be the man he is today. This is a gripping interview that I hope you take the time to listen to.

Direct download: EPISODE_167.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:06pm MST