Ageless Energy

Helene Segura talks about how to be more efficient in business and in life. How to save time, get more out of your day, prioritize and more!

Helene Segura, MA Ed, CPO®, author of The Inefficiency Assassin,  is a time management consultant based in San Antonio, TX. She combines neuroscience, educational psychology and pop culture to teach her individual clients and keynote and training audiences how to improve their efficiency during their work day so they can have a life outside of it. Her website is


Direct download: Helene_Segura_160822.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:00am MST

I'm excited to share with you, we'll be launching EM&B on a new station! More details within the show.

Direct download: New_Station_News_-_2016-08-23_2.56_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm MST

Helen Chin Lui is a certified reflexologist, certified energy medicine practitioner, certified Usui Master Reiki practitioner and teacher. Her specialties include natural hormonal balancing, relief from chronic digestive issues, and chronic pain relief. She lives and works in Medfield, Massachussets and is the founder of the Healing Place, a holistic healing center that specializes in reflexology, chakra balancing, energy medicine, and Reiki.

Direct download: Helen_Chin_Lui_160811.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:59am MST

Have you thought about what you want out of life? Have you wrote it down, have you talked about it, or do you go through the motions? Do you feel like achieving your dreams is too far out of reach, do you know what they are?

In this show I talk about the reality of achieving which is much closer than many believe. I talk about setting an intention, going after your dreams and goals and not letting anything get in the way.

Direct download: What_do_you_want_out_of_life_-_2016-08-17_4.49_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:57pm MST

More than a year ago, Cyndal Johnston, was on a maternity leave with her 6-month old son, when she stumbled upon a great business opportunity of selling hemp. The more she researched about hemp, the more she was amazed about its benefits that she started taking for herself and her family.

Now, she is a proud owner of HempE (Hemp Enthusiast) and has been a local distributor of hemp products ever since. She has discovered the versatility of hemp plants and now has a full health and beauty line, accessories, food products and recipes from it. You can find her contact details at the bottom of our show notes.

Direct download: Cyndal_Johnson_160407_radio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:17pm MST

5 tips in 5 minutes on how to stay on track while visiting family and friends! 

Direct download: How_to_stay_on_track_while_visiting_family_-_2016-08-09_3.30_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:12pm MST

Jasmany offers a few short words about the show from Florida! If you'd like to add your own for EM&B please let us know!

Direct download: Jas_Splitter__-_2016-08-08_2.19_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:12pm MST

We are lucky to have Katrina Chaytor today as she talks about the importance of taking care of our skin in this day and age. Especially if we are approaching the mature age of 30 and above. She works as a Medical Aesthetics Assistant for Dr. Jackson at the Silverfern Aesthetic and Vein Clinic and she fell in love with the skin care aspect of it. She, herself, is curious on how to keep her skin healthy, supple and wrinkle-fee. She's been the skin care professional for the past 7 years now. She sympathizes with their patients as they get emotionally affected by their skin and feels accomplished if she can help them get past through their skin problems.

Direct download: skin_health_160731_rev1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:07pm MST

I couldn't be more excited to celebrate our 5 year mark on air with our new app launch for Exploring Mind and Body. I thought since we've been on air so long, why not do something a little extra special. I thought, why not celebrate these 5 years with something different.

That's where the idea of this app was born. Why download the app?

- shows come right to your device 

- convenience of saving time

- easily share the show with your friends or audience 

- download the show to your device if you're listening and not on wifi

- favourite a show to come back to

- read the show notes right from the app

We also have free products to giveaway with your download and review.

Nathalie P, Julie Daniluk, Dr. Lori Shemek and HempE have all given free products, books, and more for the first 100 downloads!

Direct download: App_launch_-_2016-08-04_10.00_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:10am MST

On this episode of Exploring Mind and Body Doug Foley asked me to come on his show and talk about how to have and be whatever you want in life. I loved this interview so much that I wanted to share it with not only Doug's audience but mine as well.

In this show we talk about how I was able to start a business from nothing; the successes and failures I dealt with and still do today. We talk about what it's like to run a business, and what I'm up to now.

And we also talk about how to properly detox your body and remove the toxins from your life.

More show notes from Doug's post HERE.

Direct download: Doug_Foley_Radio_160731.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:34pm MST