Ageless Energy

International Best Seller of Meals that Heal Julie Daniluk is BACK on Exploring Mind and Body!

Julie's got a brand new book, and we couldn't be more excited to have her back on the show. Join Drew Taddia this week to hear Julie talk about how to Naturally, Holistically and Safely put your body through a 21 day cleanse with her Hot Detox sensation!

With seemingly endless recipes that are anti-inflammatory AND gut healing, you'll want to personally thank Julie for all the work she's done to put this together for us.

Direct download: Hot_Detox_Vegreville_-_2017-01-17_3.28_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am MST

It seems there are always bugs and viruses hanging around and everyone is having to treat those illnesses.  Taking care of your body on a daily basis is the key to prevention instead of treatment.  If you do things that will prevent illness, then you will seldom have to treat.

Learn how to attack your immune system instead of those nasty bugs and viruses attacking you.  The key is strengthening your immune system from the inside out.

Listen in as I give tips and take aways to guide you through some of the major issues.

Direct download: Attack_your_immune_system_vegreville__-_2017-01-13_4.56_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00am MST

Do you remember the name Crowley who in 1931 was deemed one of the most dangerous criminals NYC has ever seen. Kind of odd that a man who's nick name was 'two gun' didn't think he was wrong. In fact in a letter he wrote about himself, he mentioned his "weary and kind heart that wouldn't harm anyone".

After being sentenced to the electric chair Crowley said, 'this is what I get for defending myself'.

How about Al Capone, we remember his name. A notorious gangster that ran the streets of NYC and then Chicago's. Well, he didn't think he was wrong either.

He said, "I've spent the best years for my life giving people the lighter pleasures, helping them have a good time".

Recently I was working with a group I wasn't getting the results I wanted. I thought to myself over and over again, why aren't they doing this or that, why can't they understand?

Then I thought to myself, what I am doing wrong. At first, I couldn't figure it out, my directions were clear, my expectations didn't seem to be too much.

But I continued to think 'how can I change', 'how can I make an adjustment to get them to response differently'.

The truth is, we never think we're wrong, it's always the other person/people. Many times we're pointing the finger but don't take responsibility.

So here's what happened, I changed my attitude, my perspective, changed the program and you know what. This group changed too. They started doing what was expected, what was asked. The energy changed in the room, they got more out of it and so did I.

Something to think about if you aren't getting the end result you're looking for. Maybe, just maybe, it's not them. It's you.

Direct download: Taking_responsiblity__-_2017-01-19_11.29_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm MST

Helene Segura is the author of the Inefficiency Assassin and can help you reduce stress and organize your life. In this show she talks about priorities, goal setting, making more time in your day and being more productive!
Helene Segura, MA Ed, CPO®, is a time management consultant based in San Antonio, TX. She combines neuroscience, educational psychology and pop culture to teach her individual clients and keynote and training audiences how to improve their efficiency during their work day so they can have a life outside of it. Her website is
Direct download: Helene_sussex__-_2017-01-12_10.27_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:09am MST

On this show I brought on Helene Segura who is an efficiency and time management expert to talk about the myth of multi tasking.

I also talk about how much time I save throughout the day by no longer using a cell phone.

Hopefully this conversations gives you a better idea of how to save time throughout the day and maybe it will give you some ideas on how to be more productive. 

Direct download: Multi_tasking_-_2017-01-12_11.01_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11am MST

Jessica Mitton is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist and Culinary Nutrition Expert located in the heart of beautiful Gros Morne National Park in Newfoundland, Canada. Jessica believes in a holistic approach, taking into consideration the body, mind and spirit.

She is fascinated by the healing potential of natural, whole food and how it can be used to help individuals improve their overall health and quality of life. A passionate force in the kitchen, Jessica is continually working to develop her own highly nutritious and equally delicious recipes, always experimenting, tweaking and refining to ensure that the food tastes every bit as good as it will make you feel.

Most of all, Jessica enjoys any opportunity to share with others her passion for nutritious foods made from whole, organic and locally sourced ingredients.

Jessica has been involved with a number of events and organizations. She has been featured in the Academy of Culinary Nutrition’s 2016 From Scratch Cookbook and is a former recipe contributor for Co-op Atlantic. She has given presentations and demonstrations at high schools and public events and has also been featured in Old Crow and Co-op Dish magazines.

Direct download: jessica_mitton_vegreville.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53am MST

Healthy habits are absolutely essential when working towards positive lifestyle changes. The most successful people in the world have a morning routine, these are filled with habits that improve both the mind and body.

Through breathing exercises, quality nutrition, stretching, working out and more will all give you the best opportunity to make each day the most successful as possible.

Direct download: Healthy_Habits_10_Day_Jump_start_-_2017-01-03_1.38_PM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:28pm MST