Ageless Energy

It's a dangerous mindset to be in the quick fix mind frame.

I recently heard someone say, you grow a business as quickly as possible so you call sell it because organic growth takes too long.

This is that instant results mind frame that I'm talking about.

When you're looking for instant you're often disappointed.

In most cases great results take time, effort and patience.

This could be true for fitness goals, nutrition, weight loss, etc.

It doesn't matter much what it is, patience matters. Putting in the work matters.

Being in it for the long haul and understanding these things take time.

Direct download: EMB_485_Sustainable_Lasting_Changes_or_Quick_Fixes.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Mindy Gorman-Plutzer brings 25 years of experience to her private practice as a Certified Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner and Eating Psychology Coach. 

Mindy’s life experience and training inspired her to create a framework that combines functional nutrition, positive psychology, and mind/body science; introducing a compassionate resolution to physical and emotional challenges resulting from chronic and complex health issues, as they relate to Eating Disorders.

She’s the author of The Freedom Promise: 7 Steps To Stop Fearing What Food Will Do TO You and Start Embracing What It Can Do FOR You.

Direct download: EMB_484_The_Freedom_Promise_-_Mindy_Gorman-Plutzer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Fats are either causing inflammation or preventing inflammation.

Especially when it comes to oils. There are many rancid oils on the shelves that actually cause inflammation.

Which includes trans fats which is more directly your deep fried foods, fries, wings, onion rings, etc.

It would be a very good idea to understand the chronic pain in your body stems from inflammation caused by low quality fats which include trans fat.

For a product to be labeled 'oilive oil' the actual quantity of oilive oil can and is over very low. I'm talking about 2,3 or 4%.

So what's in the rest of the 'olive oil'? Usually cheap, rancid and or low quality oils that act as fillers so the profit margins increase and companies and make more money off each sale.

MCT oil is basically extracted from coconut oil.

Within those extractions there are a number of different oils.

Which include, C6, C8, C10 and C12.

The most beneficial MCT oil is C8 which is Caprylic Acid. This is basically brain fuel. It helps with digestion, it gives you energy and it improves your cognitive function as well.

Direct download: EMB_483_Does_eating_fats_really_make_you_fat.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST

Will Moore is a serial entrepreneur, speaker, life coach, and happiness expert. After exiting his delivery startup for $323 million in 2019, Will confirmed what he’d spent the past 25 years researching: True happiness isn’t about money, power, and fame, it’s about figuring out what makes you happy and taking consistent action on those things every single day.

To do this, Will has thrown out the book on traditional self-improvement, creating instead a unique system that reduces friction by combining the latest in science and technology with habits and universal principles: gamifying the process of building momentum.

Will's company, Moore Momentum, is addressing the “Social Dilemma” by vowing to always put its users’ wellness over profit and give self-help a seat at the cool kids table by making it fun and addictive to level up not just on-screen, but in real life. Moore Momentum centers on helping people hold themselves accountable and take the necessary action to replace their “failure habits” with “success habits” in the 5 core areas of their life: Mindset, Career & Finances, Relationships, Physical Health, and Emotional Health & Giving Back. Will is committed to helping people fire on all cylinders on their way to becoming an unstoppable force so they can then pay it forward to help the world do the same!

Direct download: 482_Will_Moore.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MST