Ageless Energy
The fact of the matter is, Most weight gain happens throughout the summer. If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. There is summer BBQ’s and vacations, there is camping, friends over, drinks outside and more.
This doesn’t happen for a week or two, it doesn’t even happen for a month or two. In most cases summer is around 4 months. Think about 4 months of not being in a regular routine, not making the best choices for your health. 
Then if course we have appetizers, marsh-mellows, hotdogs and hamburgers, and what are we left with? Feeling terrible with ourselves and most of use experience weight gain by the end of the summer. 
We can do something about it though, so tune in to learn all about how to beat summer weight gain! 
Direct download: Summer_WG_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MDT

The Benefits of Being Consistent are endless really. We could think about just about anything and connect being consistent with results. If  you want to do well with exercise and nutrition, consistency is a must.
If you want to do well in business you can’t exactly work once in awhile, or generate sales every couple weeks to be successful.
When you look at meal planning or nutrition 98% of people that fall off their nutrition track, do so because they weren’t consistent with meal planning their week in advance.
If you’re not dropping those inches or feeling better about yourself through exercise, there’s a very good chance it has everything to do with how consistent you are at getting your workouts in.
Tune into this show to learn more about the Benefits of Being Consistent! 
Direct download: Consistency_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MDT

I'm 46 years old, single father of 4 kids, from Kamloops BC. I moved to Calgary in 1999 for a job promotion and have been here in southern Alberta ever since. 
I have been always active as a person being involved with sports like hockey, cycling, soccer, etc.. and enjoy the outdoors when I have time off from my job. 
When I went through my divorce 3 years ago now, I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't like what I saw. With raising kids and being what I thought was a good marriage, I honestly let myself go a bit. So what better time than to get myself back into fitness. 
It's been 19 months now straight going to the gym and not a drop of alcohol which was an accomplishment of it's own since I used to drink a case of beer every weekend I was home.
Direct download: Darcy_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:00am MDT

Join Drew Taddia on this episode of Exploring Mind and Body as he talks about the health Benefits of Magnesium. Did you know that 80% of the population is deficient in Magnesium? This contributes to a long list of health concerns from constipation to restless legs. 
Many people also have issues with getting a restful night sleep. Well, magnesium can help with that too! And how about recovery after a long run or a difficult workout?
Tune into this episode as Drew explains how to choose a good quality supplement and what to avoid, because in many cases the lower quality magnesium supplements do more damage than good. 
Direct download: Magnesium_Podcast_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:08pm MDT