Ageless Energy

It can be challenging to live a healthy lifestyle with the fast food commercials, unhealthy ads in your newsfeed. Then of course many of us don’t have the support at work and finally when we get home at the end of the day, often your family isn’t interested in a healthy salad, or stir fry either.

So what’s one to do!? In this show we talk about the importance of Supporting Your Spouse in Living Healthy. We often hear the challenging there is without having that support at home.

Having to cook 2 dinners, the arguments or less than supportive environment caused by your partner who is resistant to change.

In this show Host, Drew Taddia talks about what you can do at home, with your spouse to encourage them to make changes too, how to communicate, what you can do together and how together you can make healthy lifestyle changes.

Direct download: Supporting_your_spouse_campus__-_2018-01-24_9.45_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am MST