Ageless Energy

Vicki Cody, after 33 years as an Army wife, is now an Army mom, with two sons active in the service as Apache helicopter pilots. She wrote about her experiences in two award-winning books and advises military spouses and parents around the country. Her popular manual, Your Soldier, Your Army: A Family Guide, for the Association of the United States Army, has been distributed to well over 500,000 Army parents.

Vicki is married to a retired decorated four-star general who served as the 31st Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army, Richard Arthur “Dick” Cody.  While raising their two sons and moving all over the United States and overseas, she served as a coach and mentor for Army spouses and an advocate for Army families.

As an advocate, author, and speaker, Vicki has been interviewed on CNN, MSNBC, C-Span, and Soldier Television and Radio. She has had reviews published in The New York Times, Army Magazine, Military Times, Stars and Stripes, and Army Aviation Association of America. She has also been published by Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.

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