Ageless Energy

Mark Minichiello, is the Head Coach and Program Administrator for the LA Road Runners since 2017, the official training program of the Los Angeles Marathon.

Mark is a Boston marathon qualifier, New York marathon qualifier and Abbott World Marathon Majors Six Star finisher. Mark has completed over twenty-five marathons on four continents.

Coaching History & Philosophy
Mark is a USA Track and Field certified coach and both a certified RRCA Certified Level 1 Coach and a RRCA Certified Race Director. Mark began his coaching career with the South Bay Runners Club (RRCA & USATF) in Manhattan Beach, California, where he coaches track and marathon training practice.

In 2016, TEAM PAWS, a national charity selected Mark as their training coach overseeing their 550 plus marathon athletes nationwide for the Chicago and New York City Marathons. 
In 2017, Conqur Endurance, the owner of the Los Angeles Marathon, selected Mark as head Coach to overseer the LA Road Runners official training program for the Los Angeles Marathon.

Mark goal over the course of his running career has been to inspire other athletes. He believes training is 30% percent physical and 70% percent mental. It is his job to define the objective of his athletes, analyze their results and provide constructive feedback. 

As a coach, he provides the athlete with this expertise by explaining the “why” with the goal of empowering the athlete to train optimally. He tries to instill the power of belief, so when his athletes are truly tested, they believe in their ability to accomplish their goal. Mark believes this approach will sustain them in their darkest moments when they want to quit, but won’t!

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