Ageless Energy

This week Drew and Dorothy are talking about how to Recharge your body and your life to reduce stress!

It's always a good idea to get away, look from the outside in, reset and recharge! In this show, Drew and Dorothy talk about getting caught up in the whirlwind of life, what it feels like to be stressed out and not know what to do about it.

In this show they'll explain how you can reset, to reduce stress. The importance of getting away, deciding what you want, setting goals, and achieving them accountability.

Direct download: Recharge_to_reduce_stress_Campus_-_2017-11-06_11.49_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm MDT

JB Glossinger, MBA, Ph.D., is widely beloved as the Morning Coach, with a daily podcast that has been downloaded over 22 million times. A sought-after motivational speaker and coach with an international following, he holds advanced degrees in business and metaphysics but credits his street education.

From black eyes to near bankruptcy—with providing the life-changing lessons that inspired the keys to personal transformation he shares with audiences, coaching clients, and readers worldwide.

Direct download: JB_Glossinger_Campus_-_2017-11-10_9.21_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44am MDT