Ageless Energy

Toxins in Your Deodorant with Sarah Isley is the topic on Exploring Mind and Body. I asked Sarah to come on because after designing your own clean product like Sarah has you know the ins and outs of the industry, you know the time and effort it takes to develop a product and you know the ingredients it takes to find out what works, what others are using and how you can improve on what's out there today.

Show Notes:

  • how grandma started the family into healthy living and ignited a family run chain of health food stores (LOVE this story)
  • what you surround yourself with is what your health will be
  • Vitamin Cottage to Natural Grocers
  • why to stay away from conventional deodorants
  • what toxins are in regular deodorants
  • what you put under your arms
  • toxic substances and lymph nodes

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Direct download: Sarah_Deodorant.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:02pm MST

5 Worst Detoxes Ever was inspired by the constant news I hear about so many try a 3 day detox to improve their health.

I don't agree with short detoxes or fasts, I feel that many times we actually put more stress on our bodies by removing all nutrients and even some toxins. Take sugar for example. We as a society are addicted to sugar, which means if we remove all sugar our bodies go through withdrawals which puts an enormous amount of stress on our bodies both mentally and physically. 

The the higher road, moving in a sustainable manner, step by step is the way to see sustainable results. So let's get into the 5 Worst Detoxes Ever!

Full show notes at

Direct download: 5_Worst_Detoxes_Ever_-_2016-04-28_11.33_AM.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:48am MST