Mon, 4 April 2022
Let's talk about cravings! They come when our bodies are missing something in our diet. If you are cutting something out like refined sugar, cravings are very normal. You can handle the cravings by replacing what it wants with something healthy.
For example, when you crave sugar you could have something with a natural sugar like an apple or orange, have some healthy baking (granola bar, muffins, cookies etc.) make tea with honey in it or take your mind off the situation completely and go for a walk or get out of the house. Chances are when you come back you won’t think about it anymore. Remember that cravings are normal. You aren’t doing anything wrong. I still get cravings. Usually when I’ve missed something in my diet that day. Maybe not enough carbs or fats for example. Address your cravings in a healthy way and they will subside. Also, it is very important to have an evening snack to keep your metabolism going. I believe that the old trick don’t eat after supper comes from the idea that evening snacking is unhealthy food. In this meal plan our snacks are healthy so you don’t have to worry about the food being stored as fat. Our snacks are very nutrient dense so your body is going to recognize and utilize the nutrients from the food. It won’t be stored. It’s a hard concept to wrap your head around but eating more food (6 small healthy meals a day) will help you lose weight. It keeps your metabolism running at a higher rate and burning off fat. You don’t want to cut off your metabolism too early in the evening because then it will slow down and stop burning fat. Plus it will be harder to jump start in the morning.
Our top 3 Tips on How to Fight Cravings #1. Consume Smaller Meals Throughout the Day #2. Always have a meal/snack meal prepared in the fridge #3. Don’t buy low quality food (so it’s not tempting you sitting in the house) #4. (Bonus) Find Healthy substitutes
Direct download: EMB_538_Lets_talk_about_sugar_cravings.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:02pm MST |